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In the midst, of Andrew and Zelda's new relationship, reality kicked in when Zelda learned that the aunt that helped raise her had died. Andrew felt guilty about Zelda's loss and struggled whether he should go to the funeral or not. Even though Zelda didn't want him at the funeral, he went anyway to support her.

At the funeral, Zelda wanted Andrew to leave because it was too soon to meet her hippie family, but before he did Zelda's family convinced him to stay. Zelda learned that she had to give the eulogy for her aunt after an uncle is unable to. Andrew decided to help her so she could connect with her family. Andrew told her to be herself, and she ended up giving a lawyer-type eulogy about her aunt.

Andrew went after her and she told him she didn't want Andrew to come because she didn't want him to see her break down. The loss hit Zelda who had an emotional breakthrough and Andrew comforted her. They return to the funeral where Zelda joined her family and played the piano as she said goodbye to her aunt.

At Wallflower, Big Bird tried to 'honey-trap' employees by using distractions to have cause to fire. Her first victim is Stu who had one more chance before he would be fired. When he remembered an idea for work that could save his job. Stu went to the funeral where the answer was a YouTube star he wanted to have use Wallflower. Unfortunately, Stephie had also been flirting with him. They tried to compete for his affection until he realized the trap and left. Stu apologized to Stephie and all was forgiven.

Big Bird continued to 'honey-trap' employees and when the day was done, the corporate presence, 'honey-trapped' Big Bird. Big Bird ended up forgiving Stu after her own incident.

A to Z
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A to Z Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

You're going to have to do it [eulogy] for me because I am currently smelling colors.

Uncle Dave

I'm not leaving unless it smells like a dead mermaid.
