Watch Dance Moms Online: Reunion Special!

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Dance Moms Season 4 came to an end this week via a reunion special that featured all the Dance Moms screaming at Abby Lee Miller.

Could you really blame them?

There were accusations of favoritism mixed in with a general recapping of the past few episodes, as every cut, miscommunication and comment was seemingly analyzed to death.

The showdowns between Holly and Abby and Christi mostly focused on the fallout from the solo assignments for Nationals, while Jeanette Cota got verbally assaulted in regard to her clingy behavior at ALDC.

She ended up walking away not long after showing up.

Abby also made a major announcement about Season 5 and Los Angeles this week.

You can sit back and watch Dance Moms online to learn what it entailed:

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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