Forever Season 1 Episode 11 Review: Skinny Dipper

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Oh, Forever. Why you so twisted?

On Forever Season 1 Episode 11, Henry had to seek help from unlikely sources in order to keep himself out of the frame when Adam went crazy, psycho, nuts and started killing people. Or did he?

We were promised by the time the hour was over, we would know who Adam really is. Unlike other ABC promos, this one wasn't misleading in the slightest. 

So... Adam is Henry's new therapist. There were so many people it could have been. The hour had so many red herrings we lost count. They did a good job of making us think it was Lucas. In one of the closing moments when he put the blanket over Henry, I shouted "Lucas!", at the TV. 

The deadly confrontation with the person we thought was Adam was excellent. When Abe appeared, it looked like he was going to get hurt. I'm happy to announce he left the hour unscathed. Forever wouldn't be the same without the scene stealing Judd Hirsch.

The reveal was very creepy and well executed. Henry thought it was all over, until his phone rang. The poor man looked genuinely shocked.

The therapists interest in Henry made it all perfectly plausible. 

We got to see Henry wake up in the river. Again. The scene with him and Reece in which she questioned his skinny dipping was nothing short of hilarious. She looked genuinely shocked at what she was hearing. Lorraine Toussaint had a much bigger presence this week, which was thrilling to see. 

It appeared that Jo had doubts before Henry realized she did, but she chose to let him explain. The woman genuinely cares for him. It wouldn't have been much of a shock if he told her about his immortality, but it makes more sense to leave this story on the back burner, for the time being. 

Henry has been so accustomed to running away when the going gets tough, that he never stopped to think about what would happen if he just came clean about the stalker. It was really nice that Joanna and everyone believed him. As much as all the evidence was stacked against him, they knew that he wouldn't intentionally kill someone. Had Abe not pushed Henry, he would probably be in prison right now!

Hanson: What's up with him?
Jo: He uses a hunting knife.

All of the scenes with Henry and the stalker were really good. Could it be a coincidence that they are both from England. Doubtful. Are we to believe that there are only two of them? Also doubtful. Wherever this goes, the sooner Henry ends his reign of terror, the better. 

This wasn't an autopsy. An autopsy can only be performed on the dead. This man was alive.


We also witnessed some more of Henry's painful past with him in the asylum. The scare tactics used to help him out of crazy town were horrifying. It made us at home realize just how tough it must have been to live in they times. 

The fact that Henry made his first kill makes me think that it will have various ramifications for him in the new year. Sure, the deceased was evil, but it will still eat a nice person like Henry up. On the other hand, this gives himself and Jo something in common. She did kill someone in self defense not so long ago. 

"Skinny Dipper" was thrilling from start to finish. It was hands down the best episode of the show yet and leaves us all on our toes until it returns in the new year. We could all fast forward the holidays and get to January for the next episode, can't we?

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Both crime scenes were horrific.
  • Was anyone else a little disappointed it wasn't Lucas? 
  • The acting from everyone involved was outstanding.
  • The whole final act featured some of the most tense scenes I have ever witnessed.

Remember you can watch Forever online right here on TV Fanatic. Catch the killer reveal now!

What did you think of the episode? Who did you expect Adam to be? What do you think is coming next? Hit the comments.

Skinny Dipper Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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