Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 11 Review: Baggage

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It was obvious when Danny and Linda walked into that bank at the start of Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 11 that it was about to be robbed because that's what happens whenever two regular characters in a crime procedural enter a bank. 

Danny quickly hid his badge and could have grabbed his gun but what good would it have done?  There were five well armed bank robbers up against one cop with a handgun. That was a recipe for disaster only the bank manager wasn't smart enough to see it. I loved it when Linda told him she'd have Danny do something in one and a half years. 

I did feel for Angela and her friends. How Capt. Sullivan was being treated, or should I say not being treated by his country should be a crime but as Frank pointed out, robbing a bank shouldn't have been an option. I was proud of Danny for giving Angela every opportunity to turn herself in while still never backing off the investigation. He even made sure that Sullivan got the treatment he needed. Unfortunately he has to endure it alone as his wife is off to prison for five years. 

There wasn't nearly enough Jamie and Eddie this week. All we really saw was the two of them searching for a bench so Eddie could eat her cheeseburger(s) and coming upon the abandoned duffel bag.  

And before I go any further I need to point out that it appears that CBS swapped the running order of this week's and last week's episodes. Gormley was still being referred to as Sergeant here when we witnessed him being promoted to Lieutenant just last week. I don't know why the swap was made, but that particular continuity issue made it obvious. 

Putting that aside, both Gormley and Garrett had valid points to be made. Spanky's silly stunt in the name of art could have easily put lives in danger if someone had panicked believing that it was a real bomb. It was only a matter of time before that type of thing had consequences.

That said, I also agreed with Garrett that in this day and age, calling it terrorism was going overboard and would be perceived as an overreaction. 

It's difficult not to like Gormley when he responds with Blue Bloods quotes like this one…

I got a big head but I'm all ears.


He was also correct not to let Garrett chastise him into changing his particularly blunt brand of feedback. That's why Frank hired him. He needs someone like Gormley just as much as he needs someone like Garrett. Having two of either of them is a useless form of redundancy. 

In the end, it was great to see all the boys at 1PP getting along. But I have one question, does catching the bank robbers mean that Danny can get his mortgage refinanced?

You can watch Blue Bloods online any time here at TV Fanatic.

Baggage Review

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (32 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

My kingdom for an empty bench where I can devour my cheeseburger.


I got a big head but I'm all ears.
