Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 13 Review: Love Stories

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Erin had to review an old case, Danny and Baez worked a home invasion turned murder and Frank once again had to decide whether to overlook his kid's accomplishments on Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 13.

Erin had to look into a 12-year-old case when the son of the woman convicted became an attorney and had it reopened. One of the best parts about this case was how Erin and her investigator Alex interacted. These two have a nice professional chemistry and they are slowly getting to know each other better. Alex doesn't hesitate to tell Erin what he really thinks, as in this case where the original detective did sloppy work.

But Erin was right to berate herself. At the time she didn't question putting a crack-head on the stand as a witness. I was sure Justin won his case with the testimony that the original detective had paid her off to be a witness on six of his cases. 

Unfortunately for Justin, his mother was truly guilty. That had to be heartbreaking and I liked how Erin didn't just sympathize with him; she was impressed with the way he handled the case. Perhaps we'll see more of Justin in the future.

Danny's and Baez's case turned out to be a love story gone wrong. What happens when you stop paying attention to your marriage? You call a hit man, or at least that's what happened here. And trying to call it off isn't like canceling your fast food order. So Nicholas took care of things the way he knew how. He shot the man. 

The best part about that case was that it gave Danny the kick in the pants he needed to pay more attention to his own marriage. Jack and Charlotte were cute out on the ice, but Danny and Linda were adorable as they shared goofy smiles, memories and candy kisses on the sidelines.

Finally, Frank was once again faced with whether or not to publicly acknowledge his kid's accomplishments when Danny and Baez were recommended for the Medal of Valor. 

Being the police commissioner's son is tough. Everyone thinks you get special treatment but that's certainly not the case when you're a Reagan. Personally, I liked Garrett's advice the best as he told Frank in this Blue Bloods quote

Why don't you pretend that Danny's last name isn't Reagan and decide if he deserves a medal based on the merit's of the case.


Not to mention Baez. Should she really be penalized because her partner is the commissioner's son? I also agreed with Gormley's belief that the medals aren't just for the cop but for their family, as well. 

Sunday dinner was extra special as Danny had on his dress blues and Henry gave a speech that was long overdue.

You can watch Blue Bloods online any time right here at TV Fanatic.

Love Stories Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (26 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 13 Quotes

Why don't you pretend that Danny's last name isn't Reagan and decide if he deserves a medal based on the merit's of the case.


I hate wearing my dress blues. How about that?
