New Girl Season 4 Episode 12 Review: Shark

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They say absence makes the heart grow fonder and – while it may be the flu medications I am on – New Girl Season 4 Episode 12 had me completely entertained.

Who would have thought a Winston centric episode is exactly what the show needed? I was happy to see Winston graduate from the Police Academy and they seemed to give him at least half of a brain. 

Winston's training partner, Officer Ali (played by the talented Nasim Pedgrad whose talent is wasted at Mulaney), was the perfect addition to the show. We can only hope we get more of these two together in the future.

Who else got excited when they saw Ferguson's bowl? Seriously! I have been missing that cat for ages and we all want him back on the show. I couldn't help laughing out loud seeing all of the cat bowls with the roommates names on them – Winston is truly a cat-obsessed man and now we need to know why he has the names on all of the bowls.

By the way, who wants to see evil Winston? That one line from Jess made me think of the various things that evil Winston would be capable of; please writers do some flashbacks to that one week.

It wasn't surprising Nick and Coach would be overly protective of Winston. Nick and Coach going to great lengths to stop Winston from getting hurt is exactly what I would expect from these two. The final moment when they are at the support group for families of officers was icing on the cake – Nick defending Coach's emotions was just too much.

The Jess and Schmidt storyline was a great addition to an already solid episode. Schmidt being the arm candy to the assertive councilwoman is a relationship I can actually see Schmidt being into. The councilwoman was intriguing; hopefully we get to see her more in the future. 

I definitely have felt Jess's annoyance with loud construction happening outside my window and you have to appreciate the lengths she would go to try to get the noise to stop – she is a dedicated woman.

My only complaint is I can already see them ruining Ryan. The one-off line he had about the dolphin was extremely confusing; though it seems this is exactly what the writers wanted. I just don't understand why they have to make all of Jess's boyfriends eventually weird or try to ruin them – can't the girl get a semi-normal guy who has some quirky traits, but is totally worth it in the end? Though I do love Ryan and hope they won't ruin him.

Tonight's episode was a solid comeback for New Girl and it was a wonderful breath of fresh air. The reason tonight worked out well is because they didn't focus on romantic entanglements – it was about friends being friends thrown in with crazy antics. It flowed well from beginning to end – yes even the ending made sense and tired the storyline up perfectly!

You haven't caught up on New Girl yet? Well what are you waiting for! Go watch New Girl online now via TV Fanatic!

Shark Review

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Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 (21 Votes)

Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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