New Girl Season 4 Episode 13 Review: Coming Out

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A desperate man will go to great lengths for what he wants and Coach proved just that on New Girl Season 4 Episode 13.

To start things off, you've got to love Coach for being so jealous of all the attention Ryan gets he finds a loophole in the rules so Jess doesn't have to hide the relationship.

It's something we would expect from a man like Coach and it didn't hurt seeing him in glasses – I can't be the only one who found him even more attractive with the glasses on, right?

Jess: So you want us to come out so that you can go back to hooking up with all the hot teachers?
Coach: Very much so.

Jess and Ryan coming out as a couple makes perfect sense; plus it made for an interesting faculty presentation. I always look forward to hearing from the assorted people Jess works with, though you can't help but sit back and wonder how these people were hired in the first place. Of course Ryan would come up with the best idea for a field trip and when Jess picked his trip it automatically pitted the entire dysfunctional faculty against her. 

Jess going against her better judgment and bringing the kids out in nature was definitely the wrong move. I wish they would let Jess be a stronger authority figure and stand up for what would have been a better field trip; though we would have missed out on the hilarious moment of finding out the kids were working on the biology teacher's property. Thankfully Cece and Coach smacked some sense into Jess and told her she needs to stand up for herself! 

Schmidt and Nick's relationship is probably one of my favorite relationships on television – they are both brutally honest with each other and, while they do get into fights, what they say to each other is what they need to hear. Case in point, Nick has turned into a shell of his former self and seems to have just given up. Meanwhile, Schmidt has turned into this workaholic who lets his employer walk all over him – which has always baffled me. 

So what's better then Nick and Schmidt getting into a fight? Nick and Schmidt making up after said fight. These two are truly the oddest couple in the loft and now they have decided to work together – oh this is going to be fantastic! 

Poor Coach! He tried being a suave ladies man which didn't work and than he reverts to being his version of who he thinks Ryan is. Coach has always been someone who has never had the best people skills, yet I give him credit for at least trying tonight. 

In general tonight's episode was rather weak compared to New Girl Season 4 Episode 12. Though the ending did make up for the rather weak episode, Coach asserting himself to the women of the school and Jess FINALLY standing up for herself was a long time coming. Granted the best part of the episode was the very end with the friends line dancing – which is basically how every single show on television should end.

Want to relive the field trip? Go watch New Girl online now via TV Fanatic!

Coming Out Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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New Girl Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

If you died, I'd be lost!


Jess: So you want us to come out so that you can go back to hooking up with all the hot teachers?
Coach: Very much so.