Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 6 Review: Black and Gray

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Last week on Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 5, we dealt with the beginning of a storyline concerning rape and sexual assault.

This is a storyline which has opened up the discussion of whether Bay was raped or if both her and Tank were in the wrong. Thankfully our comments section stayed civilized and a respectful discussion was had regarding the subject matter.

Tonight on Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 6, everyone found out what exactly happened to Bay and an investigation was started. So lets not waste anymore time and discuss tonight's episode.

It is not at all surprising they would start an investigation into what happened at the party, but I understand Bay's reluctance to not want to take part in it. It really does come down to it being her decision.

And while I feel if any person, man or woman, feels as though they have been violated should speak up, I also respect the decision to not say anything. We all knew once Toby tried to get Lily's opinion on the situation she would go to Melody.

Speaking of Lily, Toby really has no reason to be mad at her, but she should have told him what she was going to do before talking to Melody. Toby needs to understand while Lily may be his girlfriend, she also works for the school and, if she hears about a person possibly being sexually assaulted at a party on school property, she has to say something; though I do wish she would have gotten all of the facts.

I don't understand how they could end the deaf program over one dorm party over a possibility of sexual assault. It would make no sense to punish those who did not do anything wrong and force the program to close. I could see ending a club over an investigation, but to fault an entire program just wasn't making a lot of sense to me.

Who else cringed when Bay was telling Emmett about what happened? I get she was nervous and did not know what to say, but the girl should have at least rehearsed a little bit of dialog so it wouldn't have ended with Emmett throwing his computer on the floor. 

Daphne is finally doing something for Bay – hell has officially frozen over people. In all seriousness, Daphne really stepped up in the last couple of weeks and I am enjoying this version of her. It's clear Daphne is trying to help Bay out as much as she can and going to see Emmett to talk to him for her was the right decision.

By the way, as someone who lives in Kansas City, I want to know what super-jet airline Daphne used to get to California so quickly. 

The conversation between Mary Beth and Travis can pretty much sum up the two different opinions this storyline brought up. Bay is an adult and she should have kept her guard up, but at the same time was this really only her fault?

There are so many different opinions which can be made about what happened to Bay and I absolutely love the writers for including this bit of dialog in the show to appeal to both sides.

Mary Beth: Bay is an adult.
Travis: Meaning what?
Mary Beth: Meaning, I feel awful for her, but she shouldn't have drunk so much that she blacked out.
Travis: So it's her fault?
Mary Beth: No. I'm saying she shouldn't have put herself in that situation.
Travis: You're a girl! How can you say that?
Mary Beth: Because I'm a girl. I know we have to be smart, we can't let our guard down. It sucks its that way for us, but that's how it is.

I just wanted to give Bay a hug when she was reading the comments on the internet. It shows how cruel and judgmental people can be behind a computer screen. The sad thing about all of this is this wasn't even her decision to begin with, yet her character is being tarnished – just sad.

My heart broke when Kathryn started talking about what she went through when she was younger and her friend's brother touched her inappropriately. Kathryn not wanting to tell anyone is what many people go through and it truly can make you feel like you are nothing. Bay needed to hear this from her mom and understand no matter what decision she makes she can't shut people out and she does matter.

I won't even talk about the moment John hugged Bay and told her no matter what he loves her – so many feelings.

Hearing Bay talk to the investigator finally gave us Bay's true opinion of what happened to her and she was exactly right – in this situation both people were making the wrong choices and even though she does feel violated she doesn't feel Tank was really taking advantage of the situation.

It was so uneasy to listen to and I knew the end result would lead to Tank being expelled from school. 

There's enough blame to go around. You can't just hang one guy for it.


It was a rather intense hour and I have to give credit to the writers for really playing both sides of the debate. This is a very difficult subject to talk about and there are going to be a million different opinions regarding to decision to expel Tank – and I am still forming my opinion on the subject. Judging by next week's preview it looks as though we are going to see the fallout from everything that has happened.

What did you think of tonight's episode? Do you think the right decision was made regarding Tank?

Don't feel left out. Go watch Switched at Birth online now via TV Fanatic and let us know what you think in the comments section.

Black and Gray Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Mary Beth: Bay is an adult.
Travis: Meaning what?
Mary Beth: Meaning, I feel awful for her, but she shouldn't have drunk so much that she blacked out.
Travis: So it's her fault?
Mary Beth: No. I'm saying she shouldn't have put herself in that situation.
Travis: You're a girl! How can you say that?
Mary Beth: Because I'm a girl. I know we have to be smart, we can't let our guard down. It sucks its that way for us, but that's how it is.

There's enough blame to go around. You can't just hang one guy for it.
