12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 9 Review: Tomorrow

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This week, we picked up right where we left off with Cole smack in the middle of the outbreak in 2017.

12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 9 is easily my second favorite of the season, and yes my eyes watered up during that scene. If Aaron Stanford and Amanda Schull failed to move you, double-check that you've got a heartbeat.

The writers packed so much into these 43 minutes; it was one helluva non-stop thrill ride.

By the way, 12 Monkeys was renewed for a second season so the story will continue!

As Cole walked through disease-ridden Chechnya, he stumbled across a TV set broadcasting a CDC Report. Here's a bit of trivia for you, the BBC reporter's voice you hear in that scene is co-creator of the series, Terry Matalas. I guarantee you won't get that bit of info in any other reviews this week. #TerryTerryTerry FTW!

Cassie was holding out hope, but the world was already devastated. I wondered how the heck Cole was going to make it back to the States and to Cassie. That question was answered early on when the U.S. military picked him out of a crowd and flew him home.

Meanwhile, in 2043, Jones lied through her teeth assuring everyone Foster's cure was for the 2033 mutation of the virus. Did you catch that Jones described the virus as "alien"? Now that's a theory I never even considered. Did this virus originate in space? Is our friend the "Origin" actually a Kree? Where are the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. when you need them? I'm kidding of course, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Foster lied, why? Because it gives his people hope, just as it gave you. So that his obsession to find a cure, his work, can continue.


Having watched the episode, we now understand those words actually apply to Jones herself. Did she really want to bring Cole home? Or is her true motivation erasing time to see her daughter, Hannah, again? You certainly have to wonder.

I loved that this installment flashed back to 2041, the year Cole and Ramse met Jones for the first time. It was great the two scavs thought they could take on Whitley and his troops. I've read on Twitter that the writers love to have Aaron Stanford beat up. Well, they certainly had a blast with that here, poor guy.

The dynamic duo's capture did give us another chance to see how much Cole and Ramse care for one another. It made their conversation at the end all the more painful. How do you think things are going to go down between the two BFFs?

When Jones returned to Spearhead, I honestly did not expect her to shoot Foster.

Jones: Jonathan, let me show you the machine and then you will see...
Foster: Seeing a machine is not going to make me believe in blasphemy.
Jones: Time has not changed you.
Foster: Go home Kat, consider my offer, but don't ask again for my Core.
Jones: I am not here to ask. I will have your Core. The only thing undecided is, whether you will give it to me or if I must take it.

Ultimately, Jones and her soldiers, plus Whitley's father's men, laid waste to Spearhead and made off with the Core. I was glad that Ramse warned Elena and that she and Sam made it off the base in time. Elena was absolutely sure Foster had managed a cure. Ramse was sold on Jones' kool-aid though, and I'm not sure he realized (at that point) his option would erase his new family.

Two years prior, Jones met the two scavs for the first time. Hearing her say, "Your name is Cole. I've been waiting for you," gave me chills. Sure, she recognized the name from Cassie's message, but there seemed to be something more to it. Besides, when Cole questioned her about it later, her response was, "Just know I do." What do you guys think?

I loved when Jones played the recording for Cole and he was like, "So what? Some chick said my name there's a million Coles. How do you know she's talking about me?" She replied,"This mission is preordained Mr. Cole." It was an interesting choice of words, don't you think? If it's fate, isn't he always meant to fail trying to stop the plague, as well?

It was fantastic to see Jennifer Goines again; she is such a fun character. Her speech about the "daughters" must connect her to the group Deacon mentioned back in 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 4. How, exactly, remains to be seen, but I like that we got a clue this week.

The reunion between Cole and Cassie was the highlight of this episode for me; of course, it also broke my heart.

Cole: The soldier you sent, how did you know where I was?
Cassie: You told me. You don't remember because you haven't done it yet.
Cole: I see you again?
Cassie: Yes. It's been two years since we bombed the compound. A lot has happened since then, with you and me.
Cole: Tell me, I need to know everything. How did they get the virus? The witness? Cass...

If that's not a hint we'll visit those two missing years at some point, I don't know what is. She also called him James. I believe that was a first. Was Cassie implying she and Cole were lovers? I'm sure that will please the #Casserole shippers out there big time.

Cassie gave Cole an address and told him his life depended on it. What's that mean and who's address was it? Was Cassie's death scene devastating or what? Yeah, I teared up again watching it and I've seen the thing four times now. I'm just a softy for a good love story.

Jones finally installed the new Core and splintered Cole back to 2043, leaving Cassie on the floor where he'd find her bones years later. Do you have any theories why the scratch on Cassie's watch vanished? Was that the start of Cole's causality loop?

Though Jones and Cole were happy to see each other, his reunion with Ramse was another story. Is this where the two friends part ways? It was rough of Cole to tell Ramse his son was already dead, yet he didn't like hearing Ramse say Cassie always dies. Things are going to get crazy, that's for sure.  

What did you think of "Tomorrow"? Did Jones' actions surprise you? What about the fact she lied? Will Cole and Ramse fight on opposite sides now? You're up fellow Monkeys lovers, please share your theories with me in the comments below.

Don't forget you can watch 12 Monkeys online via TV Fanatic at any time. So much went down, I honestly recommend you rewatch this one.

NOTE: 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 10 is titled "Divine Move" and airs on Friday, March 20.

Tomorrow Review

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12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Jones: Jonathan, let me show you the machine and then you will see...
Foster: Seeing a machine is not going to make me believe in blasphemy.
Jones: Time has not changed you.
Foster: Go home Kat, consider my offer, but don't ask again for my Core.
Jones: I am not here to ask. I will have your Core. The only thing undecided is, whether you will give it to me or if I must take it.

Foster lied, why? Because it gives his people hope, just as it gave you. So that his obsession to find a cure, his work, can continue.
