It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 10 Episode 8 Review: The Gang Goes on Family Fight

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Probably the weakest episode so far this season, but still with its fair share of laughs, and usual running gags, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 10 Episode 8 emulates one of those typical family game shows you see on GSN.

Except it's actually blatantly called "Family Fight," rather than "feud" or some other variation. 

The entire episode played on the trivialities of those usual programs and had each member of the cast, including Keegan-Michael Key from Key & Peele as the fill-in Richard Dawson, overplay their roles. 

Dee didn't realize (or care) that it was a family show, and went for the shock-value, Mac tried to pack in the emotional punch, Frank kept continuing to show signs of dementia, and Dennis tried to come off as high-brow as possible. 

Dennis's goal proved to be the hardest to accomplish, considering that he's a narcissist who hates to hear that he's wrong, and that the show itself literally devolved into Dee passed out on a whoopee cushion emulator in the middle of her round. 

Mac: That is about as low-brow as it gets.
Charlie: Yeah Dennis isn't gonna like that.

He also managed to get literally every question wrong in some form or another, while the rest of the gang pretty much held their own (including Charlie with his Hail Mary guesses – that actually came from the fact that he took the survey for this show and simply forgot about it and/or thought it was a government sponsored questionnaire). 

That ate away at him pretty badly:

This doesn't represent me. This doesn't represent me. This doesn't represent me.


A couple of things were off with tonight's episode. From Rob McElhenney barely being able to keep a straight face in his scenes (despite them not really being too funny), to Dennis's arc (which had potential, but became too much by the time he was crying in a ball on the floor), the episode just wasn't hitting that well. 

An actor like Key could've also been used better.

The best moments of this episode were either Frank's tangents or Charlie's answers. 

No I don't eat dragon, cause, uh, it's not a meal for peasants, it's a meal for kings, and I'm sort of a common man. But they don't eat us, it's a common misconception. They actually eat gold and treasure -- that's why they're always sitting on a pile of it.


There were smaller moments here and there, like Mac's karate moves, or the off-base racial tension when the Barretts first met the Reynolds, that made the half-hour entertaining enough – but in the end, this parody/angel/idea for an episode fell pretty flat. The idea felt a bit half-baked, when the change in the setting kind of called for an episode that needed to feel more complete. 

Regardless, watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia online to catch the latest gags from our favorite gang, and head over to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia quotes for more highlights from tonight's episode. 

Next week's episode, "Frank Retires" should pick things right up once again. If he needs a send-off or a farewell, or even just a retirement party, I'm sure the gang will do it up in their own, unique, fashion (meaning they'll probably somehow find a way to screw him over and fight for the keys to the bar).

The Gang Goes on Family Fight Review

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 10 Episode 8 Quotes

I've seen many pigs eat many men -- it was a blood bath.


Right down the middle is so boring, that's not what the audience wants to see!
