Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 Review: The Dance of Dragons

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Yes, Drogon showing up to save the day was epic. However, I'm still horrified Stannis let his daughter burn.

Thrones fans know that the season's penultimate episode usually includes a jaw-dropping moment like Ned's beheading, or the Red Wedding. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 gave us our first dragon rider.

Watching Dany take flight on Drogon's back was a monumental moment. It's right up there with her walking out of the fire carrying her dragon hatchlings.

Hizdahr and Dany at the Pits - Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9

Stannis' forces came under attack in the opening moments of the installment. I can tell you that after allowing his daughter to be burned alive, my guess is Stannis will be killed at Winterfell. Shireen's "sacrifice" is an act no audience member (nor his army) will get behind. The guy will never be king, he's finished and not fit to rule.

Jon Snow and the surviving wildlings returned to the Wall. After an uncomfortable stare down, Ser Alliser opened the gates. The rest was fairly uneventful, guess we had our fill last week with the Hardhome massacre.

Jaime (and Bronn) got off much easier than I was expecting. Is it possible Prince Doran has something else up his sleeve? Ellaria spilling her wine after toasting King Tommen was terrific; the woman's got balls.

Prince Doran: King Tommen insists on his sister's return to the capital.
Jaime: I'm afraid he does.
Prince Doran: I can not disobey my king's command. She will return with you to King's Landing and my son, Prince Trystane will accompany you both. If the alliance between the Iron Throne and Dorne is to continue, their engagement must stand.
Jaime: I accept.

I thought for sure Arya was going to poison her mark this week. Surprisingly, she followed Mace Tyrell and Meryn Trant around town instead. It's been a while, so I can't remember if Trant is on her list, but I'm assuming he is. Will Arya be the "fresh girl" provided to him the following evening? I'm betting she is and that she uses Jaqen's poison on him. That's not going to go over well with the Faceless Man.

While I realize Ellaria chose allegiance over death, her about-face with Jaime surprised me. She absolutely hates the Lannisters; something's not right. I'm not sure what's coming, but the events at Dorne didn't sit well with me this week.  

I know your daughter had no part in the terrible thing that happened to the man I love. Perhaps, even you are innocent of that.


The real meat and potatoes of this installment took place in Meereen. Dany officially reopened the fighting pits, and of course Ser Jorah fought. You could see the fear in Dany's face hoping Jorah would not fall in battle. It's a good thing he survived, otherwise the Harpy attack might have claimed the life of the queen. Hizdahr zo Loraq wasn't so lucky.

Where did all those damn Harpys come from anyway? The musical score and chanting was quite unsettling. I knew this was supposed to be an important episode, but I didn't expect a battle this size to break out. There were a ton of extras this week, weren't there? I'm guessing those were the thousands of Spanish extras we kept hearing about in the press.

I fight and die for your glory, oh glorious Queen.

Ser Jorah

Did Dany closing her eyes preparing to die summon Drogon? Did he sense she was in danger? Either way, it was brilliant watching him swoop into that arena. It's taken some time, but it appears Dany is once again the Mother of Dragons.

Watching her climb aboard Drogon and fly off was a game-changer for everyone present. I think that really sealed the deal for Tyrion, especially. He will be at her side from this moment forward, there's no doubt in my mind.

This episode delivered some outstanding set pieces, intense action, and incredible visual effects. It's safe to say the second half of the season is making up for any pacing issues we experienced early on. I can't believe the season finale is next week, can you?

What did you think of "The Dance of Dragons"? Were you expecting Stannis to sacrifice his daughter? Did Jaime get off too easily? Were you surprised by the Harpy attack and Drogon's rescue? Your turn guys, please share your thoughts in the comments below.

NOTE: Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10 is titled “Mother's Mercy” and airs on Sunday, June 14.

The Dance of Dragons Review

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Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Prince Doran: King Tommen insists on his sister's return to the capital.
Jaime: I'm afraid he does.
Prince Doran: I can not disobey my king's command. She will return with you to King's Landing and my son, Prince Trystane will accompany you both. If the alliance between the Iron Throne and Dorne is to continue, their engagement must stand.
Jaime: I accept.

I know your daughter had no part in the terrible thing that happened to the man I love. Perhaps, even you are innocent of that.
