Killjoys Season 1 Episode 5 Review: A Glitch in the System

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We're at the halfway mark, but Killjoys Season 1 Episode 5 had the coolest plot so far.

Can you believe Space/Syfy only gave our entertaining interplanetary romp a ten episode first season? Hopefully, they'll tack on at least three more next year.

I get it, the networks were dipping their toe into space again to feel out the audience. Well, you've got a winner here guys, just market this baby next season like you have The Expanse or Childhood's End this year.

Let's discuss this kickass installment, shall we?

I confess, the sneak peek gave me virus/zombie kind of vibe, which didn't thrill me because Dark Matter just pulled that card in their fifth episode. What a relief Killjoys wasn't at all as predictable as that. The twists rocked!

The cast and relationships on Killjoys quickly hooked me, but this week was an emotional roller coaster. Nothing like a million nanites in your system to bring a family closer together, right? I especially loved the brothers playfully smacking each other around. There's a ton of love there, and we got some real answers as to why D'avin disappeared.

There's no question Dutch is the boss, and I'm as fine with that as the Jaqobis bros. The trio's witty banter is a trip to watch. Dutch gives new meaning to the expression "ladies first." She boarded that cargo ship first because she leads by example. It's not a power trip, more like she can handle it while keeping the fellas safe. Wasn't it great when she flicked Johnny in the face? Ha!

Dutch: So, you go find the transponder sugar pants. D'avin can plant the explosives while I go look for some booty.
John: You want to say something?
D'avin: Um nope. [smiles]

The opening scenes were full of lighter moments like that. Then, things took a turn into darker territory. Lucy's music crackling was the first sign of trouble. The faltering communication was unsettling, and it left each of our heroes to their own devices. Though the teasers spoiled the fact there was a guy onboard, the chase was intense – plus, D'avin spotted blood. Anyone else freak out when Lucy disengaged? What?!?

It appeared the guy Dutch was chasing would play a more prominent role until he went out the airlock. Once that blood trail led D'avin to yet another survivor, Hogan, I knew we had met our antagonist. Of course, we had no way of knowing this vessel was actually a Black Ops interrogation unit. Not cool that our Killjoys wound up on a torture cruiser... Ouch!

What a relief Johnny got to work quickly and before long the systems were up and running. We needed those logs to fill in the blanks regarding the dead crew and Hogan. By the way, wasn't the electronic soundtrack excellent this week?

Then, D'avin ended up Hogan's space rat. I had a feeling he'd be the first victim, because we needed to learn much more about his demons.

D'avin: It was a recon. Simple sweep and sensor, me and my squad. There was nothing...
Hogan: Go on.
D'avin: I can't.
Hogan: You just started.
D'avin: I can't, I mean I can't remember. I don't know what it was about, or how it started.
Hogan: Then, what do you remember. What do you remember?
D'avin: I killed them, my squad.

That's a pretty awful thing to live with, right? However, since Dr. Pawter discovered someone messed with D'av's memories, it's also possible he's innocent. Did The Company implant that memory for their own ends? Is that why the original warrant was taken out on him? Were they trying to silence D'avin once and for all? His story arc is getting more compelling every week. Quick site note: I hated watching Luke being tortured, but he did a fine job with those scenes.

When we learned that nanites (not a virus) were behind the torture technique, I found that pretty clever. It put a sweet spin on what appeared to be your typical contagion storyline. Bravo writer Adam Barken, very cool man. Chris Grismer directed the hell out of this installment, as well. I hope those guys partner up again for another next season.

Wasn't it crazy the computer was fried and stuck in a torture/heal loop? Man, that's some twisted stuff right there. I loved it! Again, Dutch risked herself to save D'avin. That's one of the things that makes her a great leader, she's selfless. That said, I never in a million years expected her to go out the airlock like Wilson. Yeah, I totally freaked out.

D'avin: She's dead.
John: No, she's strong.
D'avin: What are you talking about strong? She's in deep space, with no suit, nothing and those things are still inside her.
John: And what do you think is keeping her alive? The human body can't survive in space, there's no air, there's no pressure. There's radiation. Blood boils. Skin freezes. The nanites repair anything short of brain death. They should keep her alive long enough to get to Lucy to plug in the manual override code.

How about that for a frakkin' twist? Yeah, I've got to hand it to Mr. Barken – that was very nicely thought out. How about Lucy refusing to open the door until Dutch mentioned John was in trouble? Priceless, I'm telling you. Johnny shooting Hogan in the head Indiana Jones style was a great moment, too.

I was wondering how they'd remove the nanites. Luckily, it was just a matter of a few decontamination showers. John and D'avin's heart to heart was touching. Aaron Ashmore and Luke Macfarlane are just so good in their respective roles. I'm not trying to rag on Dark Matter, but I find that emotional connection lacking on that show. If I was told only one series could be renewed, I'd pick Killjoys hands down.

D'avin and Dr. Pawter's hook up didn't surprise me. As a matter of fact, I clearly stated in my Killjoys Season 1 Episode 3 review that those two were "going to be Kiljoys' power couple." D'av deserves a little lovin', and he's sticking with the don't plow our sister rule. Those three memory blockers she mentioned are vital and should come into play in the next couple of episodes.

Were you expecting Khlyen to show up in the closing moments? I certainly wasn't, and I thought he'd be much more upset with Dutch. Instead, he came across as very level-headed. He's right, she is vulnerable when it comes to her little family.

What did you think of "A Glitch in the System"? Best episode so far or what? Did The Company block D'avin's memories? What's Khlyen want with Dutch now? You're up guys, sound off in the comments below. We've got tons to discuss.

NOTE: Killjoys Season 1 Episode 6 is titled “One Blood” and airs on Friday, July 24.

A Glitch in the System Review

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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

D'avin: It was a recon. Simple sweep and sensor, me and my squad. There was nothing...
Hogan: Go on.
D'avin: I can't.
Hogan: You just started.
D'avin: I can't, I mean I can't remember. I don't know what it was about, or how it started.
Hogan: Then, what do you remember. What do you remember?
D'avin: I killed them, my squad.

Dutch: So, you go find the transponder sugar pants. D'avin can plant the explosives while I go look for some booty.
John: You want to say something?
D'avin: Um nope. [smiles]