The Strain Photos from "The Assassin"

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An opportunity to take out the Master's human ally presents itself and Eph goes for it.

Now, whether or not he makes the shot remains to be seen. At the very least, here's hoping he wounds the old bastard. Will Bonnie and Clyde manage to escape the scene without incident? Does that fire escape come into play at all?

Meanwhile, Setrakian tracks down Rudyard Fonescu, having learned from the Cardinal he is the owner of the Lumen. Apparently, the search leads our heroes to a bookstore, but will Fonescu cooperate? What about the book's legendary curse?

Tune into The Strain Season 2 Episode 10 for all these answers and more!

1. Taking the Shot - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Once Eph takes the shot, the duo will need to make a clean getaway. The promo hints that Palmer is attending a fairly public function. Will his bodyguards (or the cops) spot the assassin?

2. Targeting Palmer - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Dutch and Ephraim target Palmer from the rooftops. Eph's not exactly the best shot, but will he at least wound the old man? Or will Palmer walk away unscathed?

3. Scoping Out the Scene - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Is Dutch scoping out the fire escape they'll use to flee from the scene of the crime? Do you think the duo will manage to kill Palmer and get away with it?

4. Hightailing It Out of There - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

It looks like Eph pulled the trigger and Dutch wants to hightail it out of there. Is he attempting to make sure Palmer's dead? Won't someone from down below spot him?

5. The Gunman's Trapped - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Those worried faces can mean only one thing, the escape route is blocked. Did Eph wait too long to flee the rooftop? If so, Doctor Goodweather better stick to his day job. What happened to his bio-weapon anyway?

6. Tracking Down Fonescu - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Setrakian, Nora and Fet track down Rudyard Fonescu; the true owner of the Lumen. Will the man remember Abraham from their past encounter and hand over the book?

7. A Brilliant Plan - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

It appears our heroes end up at a bookstore. Does Fonescu own his own shop or simply work there? You've got to admit, hiding the Lumen among thousands of books is a brilliant plan.

8. Nora Enters the Bookstore - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Nora prepares to enter the store. Do you think she believes in the legend of the Lumen? Will Nora allow Abraham to put his life at risk by reading the ancient book?

9. Finding Fonescu - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

How will Fonescu react to seeing the professor after all these years? Will he remember the man? Will our heroes actually come face to face with Fonescu?

10. Acquiring the Book By Force? - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Nora looks worried in this photo. Is it possible Fonescu refuses to share the whereabouts of the Lumen? Will they take it by force?

11. Is Abraham's Life In Danger? - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

There's no doubt Setrakian will do what he must to get his hands on the Lumen. Once in possession of it, will the mysterious curse kick in? Is Abraham's life in danger? Tune in to find out!

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The Strain Season 2 Episode 10: "The Assassin"
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The Strain Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Say goodbye to eternal life you son of a bitch.


Nora: Has anyone actually ever seen this book?
Setrakian: Several people have seen it. None of them, however, are available to discuss it. There are strange stories of the book turning up in India. Burma. Always presaging massacres. Upheavals.
Nora: So if we find this, it might hurt us?
Setrakian: You're not wrong Dr. Martinez. In 1856, it was listed as part of an auction in Marseille. The auction was cancelled when a mysterious outbreak gripped the city. Since then the book has disappeared. It is said to be cursed, bringing death and disaster to anyone who reads it. But I'm willing to take that risk.