Days of Our Lives Recap: Is Will Dead?

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If you haven’t seen Friday’s (Oct. 9, 2015) Days of Our Lives then you may want to stop reading now because there are major SPOILERS ahead. 

You’ve been warned.

JJ went rogue this week and tried to trap Clyde by getting him to confess to selling drugs or killing Paige. Of course Clyde is no fool and didn’t fall for JJ’s transparent as glass plan. Clyde most likely would have walked away from the charges it weren’t for Aiden. In a twist I didn’t see coming, Aiden pointed Roman towards Florida and suddenly Clyde was being walked down to lockup in cuffs. 

Will Salem’s hillbilly drug lord really get shipped down south to face charges? Who knows but the ripple effects of his arrest have already been devastating. 

Ben’s hold over his psychotic temper completely slipped its leash when he found out his father had been arrested. I think he would have killed JJ if they hadn’t been standing in the middle of a police station. I worried for Abigail’s safety if he ran in to her while in that state, but Abby wasn’t the target of his rage. 

Poor Will is the one who ended up on the wrong end of that ugly tie and I was more disturbed by that than I ever thought I would be. 

I suspected something was up when Will called Sonny and left a message finally taking responsibility for the mess he'd made of their marriage. I wondered if there was a reason that admission was coming now; then I got my answer.

I remember when Will was born. His death should reverberate through many characters in Salem. Is Sami returning to Salem to mourn her son? I certainly hope so. I can’t imagine this story without her. Lucas will be devastated that his only son has been murdered. The two of them have been so close over the years. I’m hoping that he at least has Adrienne to lean on. Marlena, Kate, Gabi, Sonny (if he returns), Chad, and Abigail.

Oh Abigail. I am looking forward to her finding out that not only did she choose to marry a man who murdered the love of her brother’s life but also the cousin she was so close to. This should throw Jennifer for a loop as well. 

As much as Will annoyed the heck out of me most of this year, I am going to miss him. However, I do look forward to the drama that will unfold across Salem as they deal with his death.

That said, I hope this is Ben’s last victim and he’s caught quickly. As much fun as a good serial killer story can be, I’ll be glad to see this one wrapped up soon.

With Clyde’s arrest also came Hope’s realization that Aiden lied to her once again. She and her child were being threatened and Aiden kept that from her. She has every reason to be furious and I hope she doesn’t let this one go too soon. At some point she’ll have to realize that the lies are piling up and she may not know her fiance as well as she thinks she does. 

Was Victor right to keep the “truth” about Bo from Hope? Maybe. I get his reasoning at least. She had to let him go once, should she have to mourn him all over again? But she and Ciara both have the right to know if Bo is dead. Of course we know he’s not and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before he makes his way back to Salem. 

Theresa and Brady continued to grow closer over their child’s distress. I like that it’s something as normal as colic and not some serious health issue. It’s also wonderful to hear Theresa share some of her childhood with Brady and I’d completely forgotten that both Brady and Theresa’s fathers were ISA agents until Brady brought it up. 

Two of the most fun scenes of the week were with Chad. First was his conversation with Abby about his escape plan in this Days of Our Lives quote

My father knows the underground tunnels of Salem like the back of his hand. He has his own passageways into them. It's like Phantom of the Opera down there.


I also loved Chad and Andre’s interaction, especially when Chad asked him, “How long have you been here?” It’s true. Andre seems to know an awful lot for a guy who just stumbled back into town. Perhaps we’ll learn more about his mysterious return soon. I hope so.

Now it’s your turn TV Fanatics. How do you feel about Will being killed?

Don't forget to check back Sunday to see what our Days of Our Lives Round Table Team thougth of this week's happenings in Salem. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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