Days of Our Lives Recap: Salem Mourns Will Horton

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I shed far too many tears from watching everyone in Salem grieve this week on Days of Our Lives. I think I’m out of tissues. 

Sonny listening to Will’s hopeful words via voice message intercut with Gabi’s desperate but hopeless attempts at CPR was simply tragic. 

Will’s death was difficult to watch because it touched almost everyone in town but hardest hit were Sami and Lucas. 

My heart broke as Lucas came to the realization that his only son was gone. He and Will were always close. He’d do anything for his son, including take an attempted murder rap. Lucas will never be the same. I was a little surprised that we didn’t get a scene between he and Adrienne.

Sami was stoic, quiet, and serious. She was nothing like the Sami Brady I expected but she’s lost a husband and a son and she’s desperately trying not to get lost in a pit of grief because she knows it will swallow her whole. 

Marlena and Kate both lost a beloved grandson while Gabi had to figure out how to explain to her two-year-old daughter that she’d never see her Daddy again. I was a little surprised that Sonny didn’t feel the need to stick close to Salem for Ari. She’s going to need her other daddy to help her get through this, and as Gabi pointed out to Justin, Sonny will always be that for her. 

Perhaps it was all the more sad because we just had Paige’s funeral. Although I didn’t feel nearly the connection to her that I did to Will, it still meant there was plenty of sadness to go around Salem. It made me wonder if Eve and Sami will bond over their grief. 

I also found that Eve’s words to Eduardo in this Days of Our Lives quote were very poignant…

Eve: I feel sorry for you because you missed it. You missed all that time, all that time with that beautiful,  loving, smart, child we made. 

On the flip side we had Chad and Ben’s brutal fight scene. Chad going back to that apartment was stupid but I’m guessing his fear for Abigail is what drove him to do it. I only wish he would have talked to someone (Stefano, Andre, even Rafe) before storming off to confront  Ben.

Ben must be one heck of a strong guy. Not only is he able to strangle young women to death, he seems to easily take down men his same age. 

Does Abigail have any clue she’s about to marry a serial killer? Will Rafe figure it out before it’s too late? Will Chad wake up before someone else tries to smother him with a pillow? 

It’s anyone’s guess at this point but I hope the truth comes out about Ben soon. I’m just not sure how many more tears I can take.

Now it’s your turn TV Fanatics. Which character reacting to Will’s death brought you the most tears?

Don't forget to check back in Sunday to see what our Days of Our Lives Round Table Team had to say about the events in Salem. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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