Colony Season 1 Episode 2 Review: A Brave New World

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The world is opening up a bit and new characters are being introduced.

The most important character introduced on Colony Season 1 Episode 2 has to be "the factory," but those at Will's workplace were pretty cool, as well.

The more people we meet, the less they are everything I expected them to be.

I know it's bound to come back and bite me in the ass for even thinking like this, but so far, I like the people working for the various government entities much more than those working for the Resistance. 

Whether that is intentional or not, I have no idea. But the Resistance aren't good guys. They kill first and ask questions later, it seems. Covering their own asses seems more important than any other part of the mission.

While it would definitely be necessary, wouldn't killing off people who had decided to join you and are already trained seem counter intuitive when you really need people in your ranks? And with Katie's intel, they could have very well saved the ones Will and Bo discovered at the end, but instead sent someone to kill them all. 

I'm not sure that logic stands. They also treat Katie poorly, almost as if she's going to be killed herself at any moment. Even she didn't let the irony of their decision not to help Carlos' family escape, while admitting they would be using her intel to help the faction that bombed the line do the very same thing, escape her.

But then there is Phyllis. No last name, seemingly very grounded Phyllis. Everything she was discussing with Will made sense. Especially this:

Will: How do you live with this job?
Phyllis: By focusing on the big picture. Have people already forgotten the arrival? Every defense mechanism in this city was wiped out within eight hours. Do you really think a handful of guerrillas is going to make a difference against them? All they're going to do is take more innocent lives and ensure that conditions in this block get much worse. The buses haven't left yet for the factory. I can probably hold them for a minute or two.

She delivered it in a low voice, as if she didn't want anyone listening in to hear her. There are some things not meant for anyone's ears, and that seems to indicate she's ready to trust Will. 

And really, what she said to him couldn't be more viable. What good would a woman on a bike, an old man, etc., do if that's the kind of people who are in the Resistance? Especially if they frequently kill those about to be found. If Bo is an indication of how good the agents were before Bo arrived, then they've never encountered any real resistance in the Resistance, but they will now.

Can working the system from within work better? Is that what Phyllis was suggesting? I guess we'll find out. I hope so, though. Something about her is so soothing that I'd hate for her to be a terrible person.

I'm excited to see what opening the Yonk does for the family and for morale around town. I can't even imagine not having any way of entertaining yourself. Meanwhile, those in the green zone appear to have it all. It hardly seems fair.

As if life is fair. 

I'm wondering how long Katie will be able to support Will while using his information to feed the Resistance. He knows there is a leak. Will he suspect her? It seems highly doubtful. The last place he'll look is at the woman he loves when she's being so supportive. But if that changes, then she may warrant further scrutiny.

Finally. The factory. Are we looking at body snatchers? Is that the big plan for the human race? The hosts are taking our bodies and imprinting their minds into them?

And then...and why didn't this hit me sooner in this review because I'm not going back now. Phyllis could be "so nice" because she's one of them, an already harvested human who is masquerading as one of us, feeding the sympatico chit chat to Will because that will make him complacent, and soon he'll be harvested, too!

That's a very fresh thought. But what do you think? Are humans being taken and turned into something else? Wiped? If not, then what? 

And could Phyllis really be a good person working the system from within, or is she evil and one of them? Oh the questions.

If you dropped by, I'd love to know what you think. I believe this episode was a lot more exciting than Colony Season 1 Episode 1, which was more somber, and Colony Season 1 Episode 3 will continue the excitement. 

If you missed any of this, you can watch Colony online to catch up. It's worth it!

A Brave New World Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Colony Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

I'm sure you will find this unpalatable, but consider your target. Whether or not Mr. Hines is a true believer, he got eight Homeland Security troops and five civilians killed, and, I might add, he prevented you from going to Santa Monica to find your son. So, save your sympathy for his victims.


Katie: When did you get in?
Will: I don't know, but I think I heard a rooster.