DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 13 Review: Leviathan

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Thank God for Wentworth Miller and his portrayal of Leonard Snart. 

Snart and his tutelage of Savage's daughter, Cassie, about crap fathers and how there really isn't anything good "deep down" inside of a piece of garbage like her dad (and his) was the saving grace of DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 13.

Kendra, Chayara or Hawkgirl – whatever you want to call her – killed the rest of the hour.

Family - DC's Legends of Tomorrow

There really wasn't much to "Leviathan." 

We knew going in that the team was going to land in 2166, just days before the end of it all, with the express purpose of taking Savage's life. That's always their purpose, of course, but they stumbled upon some useful information.

Kendra spotted a bracelet she wore on the day of her first death. Groovy. She could use that to kill Savage. Unfortunately, it was being worn. By Savage's daughter.

After all was said and done, Kendra melted down the bracelet, made it into a weapon that would be useful in killing Savage. Score.

Snart had the captive Cassie Savage and made her see reason, reason enough to get them close to her dad to do some damage. How did he do that, exactly? With his wit and charm. No, really.

Never underestimate the value of a smartass. Women love sarcasm. Snart has it. Sure, we may pretend it's not appealing, but it's like honey. Cassie had a bit of it herself. 

When Snart was taking Cassie on the worst dads tour, showing her the remaining huddled masses (the rest are ash, Snart deadpanned), and told her daddy dearest used a giant robot to attack a bunch of tents, you could see her frozen demeanor cracking. Snart knows cold and how to crack it.

So it was great that everything came together at the end. Hawkgirl had Savage right where she wanted him. On the floor, in a bit of pain. She had her killshot. 

Then one of his thugs came into the room. Kendra fought him off easily, but in the process knocked off his helmet. It was Carter. Or whatever his name was in that lifetime because despite the fact they keep calling each other Kendra and Carter in her flashbacks, their names do change. 

So, Kendra forgot about the huddled masses, she decided not to give a crap about Rip's family. She put aside the greater good, and she decided not to complete the only mission of the Legends of Tomorrow.

She refused to kill Vandal Savage because to do so meant this particular incarnation of Carter/Khufu would never regain his memories.


What are we supposed to do when we watch superhero shows and our heroes fail to be heroic (or even stop trying to be heroic?)? First, it happened on The Flash, and now it's happened on Legends. Missions be damned, there is one person that means more than the greater good. 

It's not working for me.

It's bad enough that every scene featuring Kendra has become related to love. Just ick. I don't believe for a split second that Sara Lance gives two hoots about whether or not Kendra thinks about Carter and their relationship. 

That every conversation the two women share falls into the category of romance is insulting.

Sara Lance would rather spend her time with the League of Assassins than in a small town, and we're to believe she's up for girl talk? I don't think so. Not my Sara. Not our Sara. Who is this Sara?

Hey, I could be totally off the mark and battling this Leviathan of a storyline all by myself. Maybe you're happy Kendra left Vandal alive. Maybe you like that he's a captive on the Waverider and another version of Khufu will be getting his memories back, he'll be reunited with Kendra and Ray will be out in the cold.

(I can't believe I just typed that in a serious manner.)

You tell me. Where do you guys stand? Here's what I know. Coming up on DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 14, "River of Time," Vandal is waltzing around the Waverider like he owns it.

I'm blaming Chayara. Who's with me? 

Get your first look at the upcoming episode below and watch watch DC's Legends of Tomorrow online if you want to see how we got here. Talk to me guys. Talk to me!

Leviathan Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Sara: How am I supposed to teach someone to fight with a piece of jewelry?
Rip: Good question.
Sara: It wasn't rhetorical!

You have got to stop giving me weapons as presents.
