10 Episodes of Gilmore Girls You Should Skip

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Sorry, Gillys.


Let's get real for just a second, Squeegee Beckenheim.

Even in a show as amazing and well-written as Gilmore Girls, there are a few failures and flops. Or at the very least, cringe-worthy episodes that you skip upon re-watch binges, (or maybe you just fast forward to the more enjoyable parts.)

There ARE episodes that still leave us scratching our heads and wondering why we wasted time watching them when we could have been enjoying a nice Luke and Lorelai centric plot followed by a 'B' plot with Rory and Logan/Jess/Dean and some townie action on the side.

Gilmore Girls was not perfect. (Remember April Nardini?) And it certainly wasn't immune to a few less than spectacular episodes.

As you wait patiently for the Gilmore Girls revival on Netflix, and commence with a big Gilmore binge beforehand, take a look at which episodes you might want to skip. 

Let us know in the comments below which ones you agree/disagree with, and add your own!  


1. A Vineyard Valentine (Season 6 Episode 15)

Often hailed as the worst episode of the series, “A Vineyard Valentine” followed the Gilmore girls as they spent Valentine's Day weekend with the Luke and Logan in Martha's Vineyard. So what made this episode so awful? Is it that fact the Rory suddenly cooks and goes to the gym? Is it because Luke packed camping food in his backpack, and didn't pack clothes? Or could it be that Logan really didn't need to give Rory Valentine's Day gifts at dinner BEFORE Valentine's Day, and he DEFINITELY didn't need to present them to her upon finding out that Luke hadn't brought a gift for Lorelai? The plotholes of this episode are endless, the story is clunky, and no one seems to be acting like themselves.

2. I Solemly Swear... (Season 3 Episode 11)

One could argue that this is a great Paris episode, and I'll agree. But overall, it's an episode that falls flat. Espionage and secret meetings don't belong in the Gilmore universe, especially not when they're orchestrated by a very minor recurring character. Additionally, Emily's maid is suing her...and that story goes no where. And Lorelai meets Alex, the guy who would be her boyfriend for exactly 5 seconds and then would never be heard from again.

3. Always a Godmother, Never a God (Season 6 Episode 4)

It's an unpopular opinion, but I actually love the episodes during the big Gilmore Girls fight, with the exception of THIS one. Sookie's orchestration of getting Lorelai and Rory to talk again during her kids' baptism doesn't work for me. It's also really depressing to watch the decline of Rory and Lane's friendship, and to realize how awful Rory became during the fight with Lorelai. Even Nick Offerman's small role as Beau, Jackson's cousin, doesn't create any laughs, but instead leaves us feeling awkward.

4. Back in the Saddle Again (Season 2 Episode 18)

Richard helps Rory with a school project, an awful idea for leopard printed first aid kits. It's a sweet story that just ends up being quite depressing. Also depressing? Dean is really needy. Like, unbearably needy. And then when he finally backs off, Rory still chooses to go see Jess rather than to call her boyfriend. And Michel's mom is in town...and I couldn't have cared less.

5. But Not As Cute As Pushkin (Season 5 Episode 10)

First of all, the girl from Chilton that Rory was showing around Yale is more annoying than April would turn out to be later on. Then there's the fact that Luke's got a dark day. I can believe that, sure. What I never bought into was that Lorelai and Rory, who've lived in Stars Hollow for years (and known Luke for years), wouldn't know a damn thing about it. While the entire episode seems to be a setup for Logan's big prank in Rory's class, even Richard's follow up prank on Logan in the end couldn't spare this episode from being one of the worst.

6. French Twist (Season 7 Episode 7)

Luke and Lorelai fans will agree that Lorelai marrying Christopher was a bad idea. Christopher and Lorelai fans will also agree. The marriage takes place in this episode where Lorelai and Chris head to Paris, can't find anywhere to eat, and then tie the knot. Despite the writers best efforts to make you believe that Lorelai would actually marry Christopher without Rory's knowledge, it never quite feels right. Speaking of the younger Gilmore, Rory doesn't know what she wants to do with her life, and rather than feeling bad for her, we find ourselves wanting to fast forward to the Lane, Zack, and Mrs. Kim scenes, which are really the only parts of this episode that are enjoyable.

7. Here Comes the Son (Season 3 Episode 21)

The would-be spinoff for Milo Ventimiglia's Jess is the basis of this Season 3 episode, and thank goodness it never happened. I love Jess. I'm Team Jess, ride or die. But “Here Comes the Son” is not the type of show I would have wanted to see Jess star in. In fact, one of the reasons for my relief that it never came to fruition is because of how much I love the person Jess grew up to be, and I fear that if “Winward Circle” (the series' tentative title), had gone through, it would have drastically changed his story...and not for the better.

8. Lorelai? Lorelai? (Season 7 Episode 20)

I know, you're thinking, “But this is the one where Lorelai sings to Luke!!!” Yes. It is. It's also a really weird episode. The plotlines are completely scattered. Should we be focusing on Lorelai singing to Luke? Miss Patty and Babette's cabaret show? The fact that Logan wants to propose to Rory? That Luke wears his hat because Lorelai gave it to him? Zack's new band? When you've only got two episodes left in the season (series, as it would come to be), it's not the right time to throw a ton of darts at a dartboard. A little focus would have helped this episode out.

9. The Fundamental Things Apply (Season 4 Episode 5)

Rory goes on an awkward date with an awkward guy and ends up talking about urinal candy. Should I really go on? If you insist. Lorelai and Luke's date-that's-not-actually-a-date is a highlight for sure, but the storyline with the interior decorator that knows Emily is pretty boring. This episode could have easily been a “B” or “C” plot in another episode.

10. Pulp Friction (Season 5 Episode 17)

“Pulp Friction,” is memorable, yes. But is it good? Nope. Rory and Logan's 'casual' relationship isn't working for anyone, especially not poor Robert Grimaldi (who goes on a strange rant about what he wants in his future.) Elsewhere, Michel wins $100,000 in cash and prizes on The Price is Right...in the form of a motor-home. Lorelai is terrible to Michele about circumstances beyond his control when the 'prize' arrives the day a big photo shoot is supposed to take place at the Dragonfly. The only saving grace of this entire hour is when Emily shows up at Luke's Diner and a fight breaks out. Skip ahead to that part, and then skip the rest of the episode.

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Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
