Devious Maids Season 4 Episode 2 Review: Another One Wipes the Dust

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Devious Maids is not holding back this week, with lots of drama and humor mixed together.

Devious Maids Season 4 Episode 2 follows the aftermath of Peri's death and what happens now that Spence is the prime suspect with no explanation of where he was the night before.

Not everyone is connected to this story, but they all have something going on in their lives that is about to blow up.

This week things got even messier, lots of plotting and scheming included.

On the bright side, I guess he really would do anything to be with you.


Marisol and Peter's relationship doesn't make much sense to me. This episode didn't help since Peter was stuck between hot and cold when it came to Marisol. Adding Genevieve into the mix was the best thing they could have done.

I didn't know how much I needed that female friendship, but Genevieve saying they were friends to manipulate Marisol was a great move. Not as great as waiting in Peter's house naked and not covering up when he walked in with another woman, but still great.

But so far, Peter is more bland, and the only good that could come of it is Genevieve trying to break the couple up and the lengths she would go to do it. Nothing is better than a scheming Genevieve with Miguel to help her out.

What did you think of Rosie's son and Genevieve spending time together? Do you want to see more scenes with those two, or is Genevieve better off plotting alone?

And when he got drunk he was a totally different person. One time I thought he was gonna kill me.


Rosie just can't seem to catch a break. Spence finally remembers everything, and then gets arrested for killing Peri. I wish I cared more about Spencer or what happens to him, but not yet. It would be cool for him to actually be the killer, but it's not like that would ever happen.

And while Rosie visiting strip clubs was a fun field trip, it won't be happening again. The best we could hope for is more Jesse helping Rosie scenes.

I'm not the only one who wants to see more Jesse, right? 

As for Ben, what the hell is going on there? Spence remembered everything that happened so why wasn't he angry at Ben? And what did Ben say/do to get Spence to confess that easily? And Peri was looking for him before she got killed, all signs point to him killing her, but why?

And who just lets Ben stand in the back of the room watching Spence confess like a creeper?

You couldn't kill that man's penis with a stick. I know, I tried once.


Carmen's daughter is like her if she had been more ruthless when it came to her career. A few days in LA and Daniela already took every opportunity to make her dreams come true.

I have to respect that, but what I can't respect is the way she is treating Carmen. I didn't expect to not be rooting for Daniela, but so far I don't understand her. She is stopping at nothing, but do we want her to succeed?

Carmen could do with more of a story because so far she is playing the disapproving mother without the official title. 

Zoila, on the other hand, had one of the most interesting stories this time around. Trying to figure out if your potential boyfriend is secretly Norman Bates is one way to spend an evening.

Ryan and his mother were not what I expected, and now I'm kind of hoping that they pull a Desperate Housewives with a big secret.

As much as Kyle's mother and Zoila's hug meant to me, because seeing someone actually get Zoila was very important, that shifty behavior at the end was even better.

Adrian: You're the only person who could match me blow for blow.
Evelyn: Well I'm sorry Adrian. But from now on you'll just have to blow yourself.

Adrian and Evelyn once again were too much to handle. Evelyn clearly didn't think it through; her need for a divorce clouded her judgment.

You never visit your husband in a restaurant, calling him a cripple and then pulling him out of his wheelchair. Does she not know the lengths Adrian would go through? Falling to the ground is the least he could do to keep playing the part.

But watching Evelyn finally give up and leave Adrian was not fun at all. Adrian was right when he said that they belong together, their dynamic is unlike any other.

I'm hoping Evelyn reconsiders because what else is left for Adrian? Arguing with her is all he has left, and he showed everyone he is paralyzed, so there's only so much he could do at home alone.

Pushing Dani away when she tried to seduce him was the best proof of how Adrian has changed. And hopefully this will inspire him to keep fighting for Evelyn because they just aren't the same without the other. 

Are you Team Adrian or Team Evelyn this season?

What did you think of this episode? Which of the storylines are you'd most like to continue? Who do you think deserves more screen time? Do you think Ben is the killer? Let us know what you think below!

And if you can't wait for the next episode, watch Devious Maids online right here on TV Fanatic! Because there really is no limit on how many times we could rewatch each episode, even if we know the outcome. 

Another One Wipes the Dust Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (7 Votes)

Yana Grebenyuk was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in April 2021.

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Devious Maids Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

You couldn't kill that man's penis with a stick. I know, I tried once.


And when he got drunk he was a totally different person. One time I thought he was gonna kill me.
