Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10 Review: The Winds of Winter

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That was a whole lot of death!

On Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10, Cersei put her plan into action in order to turn the tables on The High Sparrow. 

In true Cersei fashion, she succeeded, and it lead to some of the most shocking scenes in Game of Thrones history.

It was pretty traumatic to see Margaery go down with such a whimper. The production values were insane. She and everyone else were pretty much instantly blown to pieces. 

There's no denying Margaery was smart. She knew damn well Cersei was up to something.

You should never underestimate a Lannister... not even if they're your flesh and blood.  

Using the wildfire was a great, perfectly timed plan. Even though she's as wicked as they come, it was nice of her to at least give Tommen a chance. 

Tommen is one of the weakest characters that has ever been on the show, so I'm not sorry to see him go. He couldn't make a decision to save himself. He was constantly being manipulated. Losing Margaery was the final straw. 

I was super nervous for Cersei heading into this episode. It just seemed like her plot had reached a natural conclusion, so her claiming the throne came out of nowhere. 

She may have taken a bit of a back seat on Game of Thrones Season 6, but the Cersei we know and love is back, and it should be interesting to see where her story goes next. 

Will Jaime find it in his heart to forgive her for going rogue? That will be one of the more pressing questions on Game of Thrones Season 7. 

I don't know how I really feel about the Tower of Joy. It would have been grand if they changed it up for the TV show, but it was a pretty powerful scene. 

Jon Snow is Lyanna's son. That much was confirmed. Jon's storyline this year has been one of the highlights, so it's good that he has now been ruled King of the North. 

He may have made some questionable decisions along the way, but he's a good enough leader in the long run and he should be able to continue to bring the Stark name back to the forefront. 

That said, his decision to send Melisandre on her sweet merry way was just silly. Sure, she killed someone, but her god commanded it. 

Melisandre is going to be an asset when the war finally comes, so expect her back with Jon before too long. Her being ousted was very reminiscent of when Carol was sent packing on The Walking Dead Season 4

I know Jon has a loyalty to Davos, but Melisandre did bring him back from death, so there's that. Maybe Davos will be the one to go find her some day if Jon needs brought back from the dead.

The killing of Walder Frey is something that has needed to happen on the show since the Red Wedding. I always knew his day would come, but I just didn't think it would take THIS long. 

Arya ripping the face off made me clap my hands so hard that I still feel the pain while writing this review. The rise of the Starks continues, and I can't wait until they all meet back up. 

It's time. Quit the stalling. We need a little pay off. 

We need to talk about Daenerys. She really knows what she's doing. The decision to leave Daario behind to keep Meereen (Dragon's Bay) up to scratch was a stroke of genius. 

If Dragon's Bay is never featured on the show again, it means that we've likely seen the last of Daario and his constant whining. 

The final scene with the boats and the dragons was totally epic. It would have been good to have had Tyrion and her riding a dragon each. Perks of being the hand of the Queen and all that jazz. 

There we have it. Another season of Game of Thrones is over and the end of the line is getting closer. It certainly feels like we're building towards the end of the show. The Starks and the Lannisters are on the rise.

Taking out a whole load of characters like that was cruel, but it served the story well. The writing and acting continued to be top class. 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Lady Mormont is one of those people that would be great at haggling on prices. She effortlessly manages to bring out the positives in a dire situation. 
  • Sam and Gilly popping up after disappearing was just plain random. Their scenes could have been slotted into an earlier episode. 
  • Cersei's revenge on the nun who shamed her gave me the chills. Don't piss Cersei off!
  • Will Olenna be able to work with Ellaria and the Sand Snakes? Olenna is between a rock and a hard place, so she would be wise to join forces with them.
  • Pycelle deserved to go. The way he spoke to his prostitute was awful. Cersei will be glad he's officially out of the equation.
  • The musical score was outstanding this week. 

What did you think of the finale? Did it live up to your expectations? Hit the comments below!

The Winds of Winter Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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