Arrow Round Table: Felicity Comes Clean

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Did Felicity do the right thing?

That was addressed on Arrow Season 5 Episode 3 when she revealed to Rory that she was responsible for his hometown being destroyed.

Below, TV Fanatics Steve Ford, Jim Garner and Robin Harry discuss that Felicity reveal, Thea's vendetta and Diggle's imagination...

What did you think of Felicity revealing her part in Rory's hometown being destroyed?

Steve: We knew Felicity intercepted the missiles, but it was rough to hear that Felicity redirected it to Rory's hometown. It's something that has been eating away at her and I think that will be a major internal battle she will be having throughout this season.

Jim: I hope that Rory can understand in time why she did it and that she had to make the hard call. It was really Damian Darhk that fired the missile after all. 

Robin: I'm glad she told him, if only because I didn't want her to have a double standard on keeping secrets, giving me another reason to be annoyed with her character. That was a tough truth to tell, and she did it. I'm hoping the show goes in a novel direction and has someone actually forgive another without drama. Wouldn't that be something?

Will Thea get revenge on Susan?

Steve: It was definitely not an empty threat so Susan should be careful going forward. Thea taking responsibility for the issue was a big step for her, but Thea will not forgive and forget.

Jim: I don't think Thea will go after her unless she tries something else. As Steve said, it wasn't an empty threat.

Robin: I agree with everyone else. I don't think Thea's going to target her without just cause, but Susan does not have room to make any more mistakes. Thea's part Queen, part Merlyn. Any sort of comeuppance she delivers will be nothing short of total and complete destruction.

Are the recruits growing on you?

Steve: It's amazing what a difference an episode can make. I've done a complete 180 from last week. There is definitely chemistry and trust growing among the them and I feel much better going forward with them.

Jim: I agree that they are growing on me. I think having Rory in the mix really helped round out the team to a more likable state.

Robin: I still can't stand WildDog, sorry. He screwed up ROYALLY, and then still had the nerve to be snarky when Oliver, yet again, was given BS advice by Felicity about how it was his fault that everyone else is making bad decisions. How is it Oliver's fault when he gave clear directives NOT to do something, directives that were disobeyed to incredible consequence? I like the other recruits, but it's really irking me that Oliver is constantly having to grovel to keep them happy. 

Did you suspect that Deadshot was a figment of Diggle's imagination?

Steve: Not at all! I was so excited and surprised to see Floyd Lawton again. I believed his story about surviving the explosion and a part of me wanted to believe it was true. However, it was too coincidental that he would be sharing a cell with him but I was genuinely surprised of the reveal.

Jim: Total mind bender! I had no idea he was just a figment of his imagination. Clearly Diggle is going to need some help. 

Robin: I did NOT see that coming at all!  That was a fantastic twist! I'm officially more interested in what's going on with Diggle, and the prison breakout is going to be fun.

What do you think will happen in the coming weeks?

Steve: It's difficult to say as far as the overall season arc, but it appears that the new team Arrow are beginning to come together and I can only assume their bonds and trust in one another will grow even more. It will become vital in taking down the coming threats this season.

Jim: Its really to early to tell for me. I'm curious if Stardust (former WWE wrestler) will some how survive the explosion and turn back up, or was he just "the bad guy of the week". Also, I wonder if and when the new Canary will get her scream again.

Robin: Here is my wild conjecture: Oliver's gonna do something stupid when find out his police informant is also Felicity's new beau. Oliver's new team will save his butt when he does. Lance is going to be the best deputy mayor to ever deputy mayor. Someone on the new team will die or change sides (because this is Arrow and it's always depressing).

Remember you can watch Arrow online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

Note: Arrow Season 5 Episode 4 airs October 26 on The CW.

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Arrow Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

When you are in charge, everything that your team does is on you… and I trust my team.


Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
