Rosewood Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Lidocaine & Long-term Lust

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What's the price are you willing to pay for beauty?

On Rosewood Season 2 Episode 7, we learn how far some will go just to feel accepted and loved, which inevitably, turns deadly.

The World of Cosmetic Surgery - Rosewood Season 2 Episode 7

Promising model Carina Radnor seemed to have the fashion and modeling industry in the palm of her hands. Unfortunately, Carina was unhappy with her life, as well as her outer appearance.

If a doormat had a doormat, it'd be Carina.

Ronna Burke

We first meet Carina at a photo shoot, where she blatantly tells her boss, fashion honcho, Ronna Burke that she could no longer do the whole modeling thing. She was tired of pretending to be happy in a world that's filled with faux looks and attitudes.

Carina had gotten multiple plastic surgeries to fit into the mold of a model, but it no longer made her happy.

When Carina returned home from quitting her job, she was brutally murdered. But why? She seemed like a harmless girl who just wanted to get away from the world of modeling.

After digging deeper into Carina's past, she was a troubled girl. Carina had self-esteem issues and an ex-fiance who preyed on her insecurity.  

Carina, she wasn't worth it. She had her daddy issues long before we met. She was damaged goods.


Andrew openly admitted to being abusive to Carina. Once he realized Carina could no longer take his abuse and was leaving him, Andrew decided to change his ways. But was Andrew truly a changed man, or was he just trying to keep Carina from leaving?

It was definitely the latter. Andrews hadn't changed at all, which made it plausible for him to be responsible for Carina's death. A scorned lover who didn't want the person they're in love with to leave them.

The biggest twist was that Andrew wasn't the scorned lover who killed Carina. Instead, it was someone else that was close to Carina.

I didn't mean to kill Carina. She just kept telling me she didn't love me.


Ken Daltry was initially Carina's stalker. The guy was obsessed with her. Once Carina got a restraining order against the creep, Ken went to the next level in order to get closer to Carina.

The guy went to Carina's plastic surgeon to change his entire look. Ken's new look allowed him to become a supermodel and help gain access again to Carina. Creepy, right?

When Ken found out Carina was quitting modeling, and leaving Miami to start a new life, he flipped out. If Ken couldn't have Carina, no one could, so he killed her. 

All Carina wanted was to find happiness, something she's longed for her entire life, and Ken took that away from her for his own selfish reasons.

My ex-husband said that if I don't come back to him, that he will kill me. And I believe him.


The Carina case resonated with Rosie after he discovered why Tanya blew him off for their date night. Tanya herself has experienced domestic violence from her ex-husband. He most likely discovered Tanya moved on with her life and threatened to kill her if she didn't come back to him.

If you're not Rosalicious, it's not good for Rosilla. Oh God, did I just say that?


Whenever someone finds a split second of happiness or decides to put themselves first, there's always another person ready to snatch that happiness away. 

I'm happy Rosie took it upon himself to confront Tanya's ex-husband. Let's just hope the guy leaves Tanya and Kayla alone for good.

The only downside to "Lidocaine & Long-term Lust" was that we didn't get any closure on the Gerald case. We were left with a juicy cliffhanger, just to be left, well, hanging. Hopefully, we'll get a verdict on Gerald's case on "Prosopagnosia and Parrot Fish."

Don't forget you can watch Rosewood online right here at TV Fanatic!

Lidocaine & Long-term Lust Review

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Rosewood Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Villa: I'm not looking for Mr. Right, right now.
Daisy: What's wrong with looking for Mr. Right Now?!

I guess we made the most of Kayla being at the sleepover, huh?
