Supergirl Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Changing

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Everybody wants to be a hero!

Okay, Mon-El doesn't really want to be a hero, but Alex guilt tripped him into it, and now look where it got him. 

He became the latest victim of Project Cadmus on Supergirl Season 2 Episode 6. How long until they get him back? 

A New Reality - Supergirl

I figure there are a few possibilities. One, Kara and Alex find Cadmus and rescue him, but that seems more like a later in the season thing, since finding Cadmus would also mean finding Jeremiah. 

It is probably too soon for that. 

Mon-El could escape on his own, but I think the more likely scenario is that he'll be tested on and used against Kara. Little did she know she may have been training him to fight her

Kara: You need a break?
Mon-El: Okay, I accept your surrender.
Kara: Ha ha. This is serious, you have to learn how to defend yourself.
Mon-El: How often do you plan on attacking me?

The developing relationship between Mon-El and Kara, whether it becomes romantic or not, is fun to watch. He doesn't see himself as a hero, but he also cares enough about her that he doesn't want to disappoint her. 

Plus, he got Kara drunk, and that was amazing. Drunk Kara is adorable, and I loved Alex's reaction to it. Sisters don't let sisters fly drunk. 

Too bad that drink is deadly to humans, because I'd be curious to see if it was capable of getting The Flash drunk. 

Until I finish making it all fancy, it's just gonna be a glorified Halloween costume. So when I tell you the suit is not ready, that means if you go out there right now, you're gonna die.


Speaking of heroes, or at least guys with a hero complex, James makes his vigilante debut as The Guardian. 

Personally, I am not at all invested in this story line. Really, how needed can he be? 

Sure, this time Kara and J'onn were drained and out of commission, but that can't happen every week so James can have something to do. He's more likely to become a liability that Kara has to save. 

Also, while the lead suit is a nice touch, it's not going to take long for Kara to figure out what James is doing if he keeps showing up at work sporting cuts and bruises all over his face. She's going to be pretty mad when she finds out.  

How funny would it have been, though, if his disguise was just a pair of glasses and nobody knew it was him? 

Alex: DEO's reporting an alien attacking civilians in an alleyway downtown.
Kara: I'll go get the alien. You get the girl.

It's hard not to love all the sisterly bonding moments. Some of Melissa and Chyler's best work comes from these incredibly emotional scenes. It's really great to get to see Kara be there for Alex for a change. For once, she gets to take care of her. 

Alex really needs her sister right now, too, because that was absolutely brutal. 

I get where Maggie is coming from, but she knew Alex was developing feelings for her. She even said so after Alex kissed her. If she didn't return them, she probably should have said something before letting it get that far. 

I get the feeling the two of them will eventually get together, but I wonder if there will be another girl in Alex's life before then? 

So what effect did that blood transfustion have on J'onn? Megan was incredibly hesitant to go through with it, and she looked pretty concerned by his shaking hand. The promo for Supergirl Season 2 Episode 7 showed J'onn attacking Kara, so obviously there are some pretty serious side effects. 

Alex wasn't taking no for an answer, but maybe Megan should have tried just a little bit harder to explain the possible consequences? 

Of course, with the alternative being J'onn dying, I don't think it would have made a difference. 

So what did you guys think? Did your heart break for Alex? Are you over The Guardian already? 

If you missed any of the action, you can watch Supergirl online any time! 

Changing Review

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Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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Supergirl Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Until I finish making it all fancy, it's just gonna be a glorified Halloween costume. So when I tell you the suit is not ready, that means if you go out there right now, you're gonna die.


Kara: You need a break?
Mon-El: Okay, I accept your surrender.
Kara: Ha ha. This is serious, you have to learn how to defend yourself.
Mon-El: How often do you plan on attacking me?