The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 11 Review: The Birthday Synchronicity

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Meet Halley Wolowitz!

On The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 11 Bernadette goes to the hospital (twice) to have her baby, while Amy and Sheldon are interrupted from having sex for the second time ever.

We don't actually see Bernadette give birth, which is actually a refreshing change from the way a lot of shows handle childbirth.

And often, the birthing scenes are so unrealistic that it can take away from the importance of the scene.

Instead, what happens on "The Birthday Synchronicity" is a focus on the waiting. And the waiting.

And the waiting.

There's also the fact that their initial trip the hospital is too soon, and they're sent home. Even Raj's concerns over getting the timing right of the contractions are pretty realistic. 

Here Comes the Baby! - The Big Bang Theory

When they get back home, Raj accidentally lets it slip that the baby is a girl, which prompts Howard and Bernadette to kick him out.

As usual, Raj and Stuart are the weak spots of this episode. It's a shame that so much energy is spent on Raj feeling sorry for himself and Stuart being, well, Stuart. 

That is redeemed slightly by the heartwarming moment when Howard says Raj is Halley's godfather.

Howard, on the other hand, has become a much more complex, likable character over the years.

That shows the most as he becomes emotional over his mother's absence during the birth of his child.

Bernadette and Howard do ponder naming the baby after his mother for just a moment, but instead land on something scientific – Halley, after Halley's comet.

The Happy Couple - The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 11

There's a nice homage to Mrs. Wolowitz at the end, though.

When everyone gathers outside the nursery to look in on the new baby, they're easily able to pick out which one is Halle. It's the one with the awful, shrieking, and all too familiar sounding cry. 

All of this happening on Amy's birthday, and you know what that means. 

It's sweet, in a way, that Sheldon and Amy can just plan on having sex once a year on Amy's birthday.

Unfortunately, they're interrupted more than once with the news that Bernadette is on the way to the hospital. And the second time, there are Harry Potter costumes involved. 

I thought I'd let Harry Potter... make things hotter.


I so enjoy seeing this side of Amy and Sheldon.

Yes, Sheldon throws a bit of a tantrum that Amy went to the Harry Potter theme park without him, but otherwise, they're happy, nerdy, and fun to watch. 

Other Thoughts:

  • I genuinely want to know if Bernadette told Howard's mom she was a Milky Way or a Snickers girl.
  • Leonard's bit with the inhaler before he and Penny can have sex is SO funny. A literal laugh-out-loud moment.
  • Sheldon doesn't like to touch Scotch tape. It's a good thing Amy is keeping a list of these sorts of things!

Sheldon: This is for you. I was going to wrap it but touching Scotch tape gives me the heebie jeebies.
Amy: I'll put it on the list with peaches and felt.

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The Birthday Synchronicity Review

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Ashley Bissette Sumerel was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in September 2017. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 11 Quotes

Childbirth, looming coitis. This is a banner night for female genitals!


Sheldon: This is for you. I was going to wrap it but touching Scotch tape gives me the heebie jeebies.
Amy: I'll put it on the list with peaches and felt.