Nashville Season 5 Episode 4 Review: Leap of Faith

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Relationships are complicated.

Some last forever, some end before they even get started, and some appear out of thin air.

On Nashville Season 5 Episode 4 Avery finally gets through to Juliette, Rayna considers a business proposition, and Will tries to find the right words for Kevin.

It really seemed like Juliette was open to spiritual and emotional recovery but cancelling an appointment with her therapist was definitely a step in the opposite direction.

Expecting Advancement - Nashville

This week she's more concerned with getting back on her feet, even going above her nurse's head to make it happen. Unfortunately her aggressive behavior leads to a crash flashback which causes a panic attack.

It wasn't all a loss though. Her nurse noticed the flashback – turns out she had an accident of her own – and the two of them were able to bond over it.

The nurse explained how important it was to her overall recovery that Juliette process her feelings from that day. For what it's worth, Juliette at least listened.

She tends to assume she knows what's best in every situation; hopefully she can start listening to the professionals.

I know that you can be so focused on fixing your body, you forget that your soul needs to heal too.


On the other hand, I totally understand and respect her refusal to take the pain pills.

It hasn't been that long since her drug-fueled spiral and even taking one pill could lead her down that road again. It's a very slippery slope.

I know he's trying to help, but Avery shouldn't try to force them on her. He should understand more than anybody what she went through because he and Cadence went through it too.

It's not like taking them is part of her treatment. They're just to manage the pain, so if she can deal with it, I don't see the problem.

Avery just desperately wants her to get better and I'm sure it's not easy for him to see the woman he loves in pain.

It seems like Juliette finally accepted that he's not going anywhere. I did get a little nervous when Avery pulled away from her that first time. I thought she might lash out again or at least withdrawal from him but she didn't. 

She remained calm and asked about his feelings and respected that he needed time.

Of course, when he came back later that same night she happily let him carry her to bed with a big smile on her face. I love that these two have found their way back to each other.

Juliette and Avery - Nashville Season 5 Episode 4

Unfortunately Will and Kevin aren't so lucky.

Kevin has thrown himself into finding a place for them and it's obvious – to everyone but Kevin – that Will's heart just isn't in it. Not only that, he doesn't seem that into Kevin anymore either.

He's lying to him about everything – playing gigs, filling out applications, where he is.

I don't know how Will can continuously lie and not feel awful about it. Kevin's concern over his headache alone would have made me break. Not to mention that penguin forehead kiss? Ugh. Kevin is adorable.

At least Will was trying to work through his feelings through advice from other people. Two weeks ago it was Gunnar, this week it's Avery.

Listen, I can't tell you if you should stay with Kevin but I can tell you that never in the history of the world has moving in together ever made things easier. It only gets harder. If you love the person then it's worth it but it will test you, more than you ever thought possible.


As expected, Avery's advice was thoughtful and sincere but the only people who can fix a relationship are the people in it. Unfortunately, that's the one person Will wasn't being honest with.

Relationships are always messy but Will made it way more complicated by lying and hiding his true feelings. When Kevin finally catches on, I knew that they would break up.

Kevin's a good guy. He doesn't deserve to be strung along like that.

I loved Will's song; hearing him sing "That's when I'll stop missing you" as Kevin packed up his stuff was heartbreaking.

As one relationship ended, another one began. Albeit, a business relationship.

After Deacon's encouragement and a meeting with the label lawyer, Rayna signs a contract with Zack Welles. 

We finally get a closer look at the guy and I have to say, from the outside, he seems relatively normal. In fact, he seems great. He  randomly drops in on family to wish them happy birthday, compliments the hell out of everyone he meets and picks up the tab without hesitation.

Rayna and Deacon at dinner with friends - Nashville Season 5 Episode 4

Sure, using the word marriage to describe a business deal was weird but other than that, I didn't get one creepy vibe from him this whole episode.

So then who's the stalker?! I'm starting to think it's not Zack or Randall.

Randall seems a little too insecure and fidgety to be a dangerous stalker. He comes off as more of a star struck fan.

What do you guys think? Is the stalker Randall, Zack or someone we haven't even met yet?

Was it a good idea for Rayna to get into business with Zack so quickly?

What will Will do now that he's single?

If you want to see the episode again you can always watch Nashville online via TV Fanatic.

Leap of Faith Review

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Tiffany Staton is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Nashville Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Avery: Looks like you have F.O.M.O.
Will: What'd you call me?
Avery: F.O.M.O. -- fear of missing out.

Nurse: Now don't be disappointed if you don't get very far. It's normal since you're doing this way ahead of schedule.
Juliette: Well the medical director doesn't seem to think it's too soon.
Nurse: Yeah, he's got all those degrees. I just work with people.