Suits Season 6 Episode 11 Review: She's Gone

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Are the dark days really over for Pearson Specter Litt?

That was addressed on Suits Season 6 Episode 11 when it became abundantly clear Harvey and Louis would be fighting to the death in order to save the firm following the departure of Jessica. 

For what it's worth, Harvey at least tried to keep it together by attempting to bring everyone back to the firm, but for Mike, he was over it. Donna stole the show when she told Harvey to make things right with his mother. 

Harvey & Louis Bickering - Suits

He's been relying on his PSL family for far too long, so adapting to the change that's coming to the firm was always going to be difficult for him to process. 

You could tell he was hurting. The firm was a shell of its former self and that was horrible for him to watch.

Bringing Mike back in would have been like having the family back together, but that would have just been too easy. 

In other words: It would soften the blow before reality set in.

Donna: That was nice.
Harvey: It was... and as much as I'd like to spend all day doing it, we should get going. Just do me a favor..
Donna: Harvey, I don't think you understand... I told you once this happened again, I don't work for you anymore.
Harvey: Donna, you can't leave me.
Donna: I'm not leaving you, Harvey. I just don't work for you.
Harvey: That's leaving me.
Donna: No Harvey, that's not leaving you. Jessica left you and you need to get it through your head that she's never coming back.

The dream sequence that kicked off the episode definitely made what Donna was saying ring true for Harvey. She cares about him a lot. 

Mike's passion this round was to help people. He was not concerned with whether that was practicing law, or not.

Harvey's meddling to try and get Mike back in the world of law was clearly to keep everyone together. 

Oliver: I'm just right back there. There's about a dozen minature Deadpools on my desk... don't judge. It's a great movie and you know it.
Mike: I do know it. I saw it three times.
Oliver: You bullshitting me?
Mike: Of course I am. I wanna work here.

However, he went too far when he went to Anita Gibbs. That woman is scary as hell. When she has a plan to destroy someone, she does not stop until her mission is complete. 

We all watched in horror as she went for everyone and anyone that could prove Mike was a fraud in the back half of Suits Season 5.

Now, anything Mike does, she's going to be biding her time in order to get one over on him. With Anita being such a villain, you have to respect her tenacity for the truth. 

She's staying on the right side of the law and she is not about to let anyone float on past. You could say she's good at her job, but don't tell Harvey or Mike that. 

Mike returning to the church kind of brought his story full circle. It seemed like something that would go down in a series finale, rather than a midseason return. 

Perhaps that's where Mike will wind up down the line because the chances of any law firm taking him on are pretty much nil. He served his time for his crime, but some people will always think that the time he served was a joke. 

Louis Is Not Amused - Suits Season 6 Episode 11

His relationship with Rachel continued strongly, which was great. When Suits throws in relationship drama, it kind of becomes a primetime soap and that's not the Suits I love to watch on a weekly basis. 

Rachel being presented with an offer from her father was not entirely shocking.

Robert's intentions may have seemed sketchy at first, but there was no way he was going to take down the firm his daughter was still so heavily associated with. 

Rachel: Dad, what are you doing here?
Robert: I know I'm a little early, but I came here to bring you... a graduation present.
Rachel: This is a job offer.
Robert: Not just any job offer... an associate at Grand Calder Zane.
Rachel: I already have a job after I graduate.
Robert: Rachel, we talked about this. When you graduate, you're going to have to stand before the bar and pass the character and fitness test.
Rachel: And you think working at your firm looks better than working at mine?
Robert: Yes, I do.

Rachel going to speak to the professor about taking the bar showed that she was at least entertaining the possibility of defecting to work with her father. 

That was thanks to her chat with Gretchen, who was clearly looking out for Rachel when she had that off the record chat with her. It's nothing new that these characters have a lot of conflict in their lives, but it's great that Mike's lie is still having severe ramifications for all of them. 

What's Your Decision? - Suits Season 6 Episode 11

Him going to jail was not something that could just be swept under the rug when it was all over with. That's not real life and I have to give credit to the powers that be for having the balls to continue to show us what happens to a law firm that has been disgraced. 

Louis continued to be his opportunistic self, but that resulted in the return of Amanda Schull, so I'm perfectly okay with that. 

However, he's very lucky that Robert did not completely turn on the firm because of his deceit. Louis was right when he said that the chances of Katrina making partner were slim. 

She thought so herself. That's part of the reason why she even bothered with the plan in the first place. You could tell that she was scared when she got word that Louis was going after Zane's biggest client. 

Now, there's stealing staff and then there's stealing everything. Louis felt like he needed to step up to the mark and that's why he went guns blazing ahead with his plan. 

The turning point for Louis was when he understood that he messed up and was going to tell Harvey to be the boss of the firm.

Louis consistently messes things up, so trusting him with any sort of power could lead to the end of the world. 

Yes, that's a bit extreme, but Louis would not thrive in a position of power, so let's just make Harvey the boss and everything will be okay. 

"She's Gone" was a riveting episode of this USA Network drama series. It successfully raised the stakes even higher than I ever thought possible, and I can't wait to see how the rest of the season plays out. 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • That opening scene of Harvey and Donna in love was just too damn good to be true. It would be great if the writers stopped teasing us with that and just made them a thing. 
  • Louis finally has a relationship that seems to be working, but could anyone really imagine him looking after children? You could tell he was ecstatic when he heard that the kid would have his last name. 
  • Might Anita go after Sean Cahill and Harvey for brokering a deal to get Mike out of prison early? Like I said earlier, she hates anyone getting away with a crime. 
  • Poor Rachel is facing an uphill battle to get to where she wants to be in life, but will she really stick with the PSL?
  • Did anyone else feel like Mike's storyline with the teaching ended way too prematurely?

Remember you can watch Suits online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up on the latest drama now. 

Over to you, Suits fanatics! What did you think of the return? 

Note: Suits Season 6 Episode 12 airs Wednesday, March 1 on USA!

She's Gone Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Suits Season 6 Episode 11 Quotes

Harvey: Hey, if it's going to be much longer I could just get some on the way.
Donna: Hold your horses, Mister.
Harvey: That was the best cup of coffee I've ever had.
Donna: I told you it was worth the wait.

Donna: That was nice.
Harvey: It was... and as much as I'd like to spend all day doing it, we should get going. Just do me a favor..
Donna: Harvey, I don't think you understand... I told you once this happened again, I don't work for you anymore.
Harvey: Donna, you can't leave me.
Donna: I'm not leaving you, Harvey. I just don't work for you.
Harvey: That's leaving me.
Donna: No Harvey, that's not leaving you. Jessica left you and you need to get it through your head that she's never coming back.