Outsiders Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Kill or Be Killed

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Is G'Win dead?

That's one of the bigger questions after Outsiders Season 2 Episode 6. It was one of the more shocking episodes of the WGN America series. Who would have thought G'Win would be forced to murder someone to continue her reign?

Two Worlds - Outsiders

Ever since the Kinnah appeared on Outsiders Season 2 Episode 2, it has been clear they have been up to something. Their plan to purify Shay Mountain was a bit far, but it did make a little bit of sense. 

How long would Big Foster have been able to continue watching G'Win lead the people? Better yet, how long was he going to sit on the sidelines and take orders when he thinks he should be in power?

Foster knows he is not the most liked person among the people, so his best shot at having power right now is to have G'Win do everything he tells her to. However, she seemingly sacrificed herself to save him. 

Let's talk about that final scene. It was brutal. It was very reminiscent of The 100 Season 2 Episode 8 when Clarke was forced to murder Finn because of him opening fire on a village. 

The symmetry between the scenes was most definitely there, but then G'Win went and changed things up by sticking the knife in herself. Are we to believe her supernatural meeting with Lady Ray played on her mind in that moment?

We may never know if she winds up dead. You could tell Foster was scared at the prospect of losing her. I'm conflicted on whether his upset was down to losing his wife, or if it was down to the uncertainty surrounding his fate. 

Losing G'Win would be a huge blow to this addictive series. We already lost Asa just a few weeks ago, so this could really be the thing that makes the show unwatchable. I'm all for redemption arcs, but Foster has done so many bad things that even the most patient viewer will roll their eyes if he winds up in power. 

His gun being in the house with Samuel's parents was a great way to give the prison storyline a jolt of life. Wade knew he was doing the right thing by being persistent about helping Li'l Foster. 

Like most viewers, Wade knew an example was being made of him because he is a Farrell. It's hardly fair, but it's how the world works. Wade confronting Matt was exciting, but Matt still got the upper hand when he revealed that Li'l Foster murdered someone in prison. 

It's sad that Matt did not feel the need to dig deeper into what happened. All he was concerned about was making sure all of his decisions stood for something. Wade was so close to finding a way to get rid of the man. 

Wade Annoyed - Outsiders Season 2 Episode 6

Now, Wade is forced to take a step back and think about the bigger picture. Would he be able to get justice for Li'l Foster after him being ruled a murderer? The poor man tried his best to keep to himself on the inside. 

Li'l Foster is smart. He knew what was happening to him way back when Wade arrested him. The group of men who were hounding him in prison were disgusting. They wanted to inflict their racist opinions on everyone around them. 

I got a pretty good sense of smell and I don't think it was them. Maybe it was your upper lip.

Li'l Foster

It created such a horrible environment for everyone. They had no compunction with murdering someone, but I bet they did not bank on one of them being murdered in the process. 

I laughed out loud when Li'l Foster hit one of the men with food. It came out of the left field, but it was his way of drawing a line in the sand to tell the men to stop pestering him. 

Loyalties Are Tested - Outsiders

The doctor continued to try and find a way to help Foster in any way he could. The man wanted Foster away from the others on the inside because he knew something was going to happen. 

If Foster had allowed himself to be sent away, he could have prevented the murder from taking place. 

A real man fights his own battles.

Li'l Foster

Ledda's storyline was more intriguing this week. She wanted to have a little fun, but did not think of the consequences for herself. It appears to me that she's came to terms with the fact she's dying and wants to make the remainder of her life worthwhile. 

She thinks that being in the group will help her get to a point in which she's ready to die. That's not going to be the case and she needs to think of her children. That group is going to do nothing but make her a pariah in the community. 

Her cat was murdered, and her house was almost up in flames. Wade can be very rude sometimes, but I think he was right to let Ledda know she was in the wrong. The safety of the kids is his biggest priority at this stage. 

Elsewhere, Hasil finally has a way to make some money. Sally Ann was obviously concerned, but she knew it was the only Hasil could make the money he needed to allow them to be independent and have their own place. 

That said, Sally Ann must be worrying every time her man walks out the door because if he's fighting, there's chance he could wind up in hospital, or dead. It's a sad state of affairs, but she knows it has to be done. 

I was glad that they managed to get a house, but Hasil is struggling to adjust to this different way of living. Sally Ann, thankfully, understands this and the scene with her laying outside with him was cute. 

She was frightened when she woke up, but she knew her man was street wise and could handle himself. There are worse things Hasil could be doing to earn money, but without skills, or experience, he's at a disadvantage. 

In addition, no one down the mountain really likes him, so there's that. 

He's much better than it, so I hope down the line he finds his happy place in the world. 

This is a transitional time for the series. 

The developments over the last few weeks have felt like the end of a season and in reality, we're not even halfway through Outsiders Season 2.  For the most part, I'm enjoying these changes. Some of them are a little out there, but I have faith the show will continue to flourish. 

Remember you can watch Outsiders online right here via TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

Kill or Be Killed Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Outsiders Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

I got a pretty good sense of smell and I don't think it was them. Maybe it was your upper lip.

Li'l Foster

A real man fights his own battles.

Li'l Foster