Bull Season 1 Episode 17 Review: Name Game

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It was all about taking the big gamble on Bull Season 1 Episode 17

And knowing who you could trust.

Benny's Hiding a Secret - Bull Season 1 Episode 17

Unfortunately, trust was in short supply everywhere, including amongst the members of TAC, and I’m still trying to understand why. 

Bull: Why would you trust a stranger with your entire life savings?
Erin: He wasn't a stranger. He worked at my bank.

Most people aren't expecting to get scammed by their bank, but these days it's difficult to trust even the institutions we think are solid. 

So, I felt for all the people who ended up on the "sucker" list. I found it particularly stomach-turning to know that they targeted people who were about to retire. 

There's nothing like working your entire life to build a nest egg only to have a predator steal it out from under you. 

But it was Benny and his issues that were front and center, even as he did his best to bury them. 

I sent a man to prison for nine years for a crime he didn't commit.


He was perfectly fine with telling Chunk that he’s being investigated for prosecutorial misconduct, but not Bull. 

Is it because Bull is effectively his boss, or does it go deeper than that? 

We know that Bull was married to Benny’s sister, so their relationship is more than just business, yet Benny still kept his problems to himself. 

Will Bull Lose His Company

Benny had tied himself up in knots to the point that he wouldn’t even touch that pastrami sandwich, and it was making me very hungry! 

Was Benny really concerned that he’d done something wrong and might do prison time himself? If that’s the case, then eat the damn sandwich! He’s certainly not going to get anything that good locked up behind bars. 

But I think Benny’s issues had more to do with guilt. An innocent man lost nine years of his life because Benny had, with the best of intentions, gotten it wrong. 

Unfortunately, his problems were messing with his confidence and judgment in the case against Brannigan Trust. 

I liked Erin, but I thought her overconfidence when it came to taking the stand was ridiculous and that Benny was so easily swayed into letting her do so, absurd. 

There were millions of dollars on the line. It was the life savings of over 4,000 people, and her argument was that she’s a quick study because she worked with 11-year-olds. 

Prepping a witness for a trial that important could take weeks. Forget about Erin looking gullible; it was Benny who deserved that label. 

Marissa: We could lose millions.
Bull: We could win millions.
Marissa: Exactly, all or nothing. You'd be betting the future of the firm on one case.

This case was a huge gamble for the firm, but it didn’t sound like everyone realized it. Danny and Cable certainly appeared out of the loop. 

Cable really did have the best advice in this Bull quote:

I don't talk about personal finance at work.


Smart woman. 

Considering Jason Bull was able to go out and buy a Bentley on a whim, I guess his finances could take a hit, and he still wouldn’t starve. 

Bull's New Bentley Season 1 Episode 17

I also found it amusing that the moment they showed the Bentley, they played the song "Renegade" that’s currently being used in a Jeep commercial. 

What bothered me the most was that Bull obviously knew something was deeply troubling Benny and that Benny didn’t want to share it. 

It wouldn’t surprise me if Bull already knows what the issue is, but instead of trying to help his friend or coax out the information, he sternly told him, “to get it together.”

That didn’t seem helpful. 

Will some champagne and romance with Erin help Benny get his head on straight? I don’t know, but much like the pastrami sandwich, I don’t think it could hurt. 

Check back next week for my review of Bull Season 1 Episode 18, and if you can’t wait for more, you can watch Bull online here at TV Fanatic.

Name Game Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bull Season 1 Episode 17 Quotes

Marissa: We could lose millions.
Bull: We could win millions.
Marissa: Exactly, all or nothing. You'd be betting the future of the firm on one case.

Bull: Why would you trust a stranger with your entire life savings?
Erin: He wasn't a stranger. He worked at my bank.