Gotham Season 5 Episode 7 Review: Ace Chemicals

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Absolute insanity.

Jeremiah solidified his connection with Bruce on Gotham Season 5 Episode 7 in one of the series' most insanely dark and craziest episodes to date.

As the series winds down, each new episode outdoes the last by miles, and "Ace Chemicals" was no exception. We all knew it was going to be wild, but holy hell, I still haven't recovered from that ride.

All the World's a Stage - Gotham Season 5 Episode 7

It's safe to say that Jeremiah has an unnatural obsession with Bruce. His plan to recreate the murders of Martha and Thomas Wayne to connect him to Bruce forever was brilliant, but it might not have worked.

That is until he decided to make the big switcheroo and replace the original Wayne clones with Jim and Lee.

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Bruce would have gotten over the death of two people he didn't know, but the death of Jim? Not a chance. It would have haunted him forever and not in a good way. 

If Jim had died, Bruce would have been angry, but he would have retreated into a shell. He might have become Batman, but maybe not.

Bruce Meets His Nemesis - Gotham Season 5 Episode 7

Jim surviving turned the tide. The hatred Bruce has towards Jeremiah reached new levels, and without even knowing it, Bruce created a forever relationship with his arch nemesis.

It has begun, indeed.

Bruce: Jeremiah, this ends tonight!
Jeremiah: No. No, Bruce. Now it begins.

What I loved was that it was Selina who saved the day which not only cemented that connection but also paved the way for Jeremiah to meet his fate in that big vat of green chemicals.

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Cameron Monaghan's performance as Jerome Valeska on Gotham Season 2 has always been the gold standard for me.

I haven't been a fan of Jeremiah since he first made his appearance on Gotham Season 4, but Monaghan blew everything out of the water here.

I'm a Star - Gotham Season 5 Episode 7

And he wasn't the only one. David Mazouz deserves props as well. The way the two played off each other was magnificent. Both deserve a standing ovation as do other members of the cast for their performances this hour (looking at you Erin Richards.)

Hell, let's give them all a round of applause because they all took it to a new level this hour.

I realize we can't be friends but we can be connected in other ways.


Jeremiah isn't dead. Even though he has no brain activity, he'll be back. If he can survive a knifing from Selina, he's going to survive a fall in a vat of chemicals.

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And he has to. He's about to go full-on Joker.

I imagine that Harley is going to bring him to Strange, or Walker will get involved, or something will happen to resuscitate his brain activity.

Running to the Truth - Gotham Season 5 Episode 7

Maybe Jervis Tetch will be involved. It was lovely seeing him again. Out of all of Gotham's crazy villains, he was always one of my favorites. 

It also made more sense that Jeremiah would've called on Tetch to hypnotize people rather than create clones of Martha and Thomas Wayne as I had thought he had done with the help of Strange somehow.

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And it was fitting that Tetch was the one to hypnotize Lee and Jim considering his connection with the two when he was terrorizing the city.

While Jeremiah was going all crazy on Bruce, Penguin was trying his best to get out of Gotham with no luck.

I wasn't surprised that Selina turned on him. Tabitha meant a lot to her, and she wasn't about to let him get away with murder.

What was surprising was that my girl, Barbara, couldn't pull the trigger. I had guessed before that Barbara was somehow going to turn to the good side, at least somewhat.

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She hasn't yet crossed that line, but she's headed there.

Pregnancy is affecting her in many ways. It's softening her up, and eventually, she's going to give up the goon life.

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You all know I'm all about Jim and Barbara, and I do think she wants to be with him desperately, but I'm liking how she's turning her back on him and shutting him out.

It absolutely has to do with Lee's return. She knows that she has no chance with Jim (and she's right, based on that final kiss) so she's trying to protecting herself.

Harley Has a Plan - Gotham Season 5 Episode 7

But it also makes me wonder if something is going to happen to my beloved Babs. Is there a possibility that Babs could die and Lee and Jim would end up raising her daughter (we know it's going to be a girl? Did you all see that badass pink coat she had on. Besides. Batgirl.)

I only told you because I thought you had a right to know, but your involvement in this ended the moment you put your pants back on.


I would hate for that happen, but that's the trajectory I see right now.

And Lee as Barbara's OB/GYN? That seriously made me laugh, but Babs was right. Lee is the best doctor in Gotham.

It also might become an opportunity for them actually to become friends. If Barbara is changing sides, it's entirely possible. 

Stranger things have happened!

A couple of other thoughts. Barbara's sensitivity to being pregnant was gold. Even better was Ed calling out her pregnancy and telling her she glowed! And the submarine?! Great moments!

Over to you!

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Can you believe there are only FIVE more episodes?

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Ace Chemicals Review

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Gotham Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

I only told you because I thought you had a right to know, but your involvement in this ended the moment you put your pants back on.


This nightmare is about to end.
