Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5 Review: All the Time in the World

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Before the season is over, it seems like everyone on Chesapeake Shores will find a way to express their content.

Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5 saw Abby considering big changes after growing closer to Jay, while Bree and Kevin found it almost hard to believe they had no stress digging away at them.

And while the whole family grappled with the thought of Mick and Megan reuniting, there wasn't a lot about their pairing to celebrate.

Abby Plans - Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5

As much as I love reviewing Chesapeake Shores, it's sad that I never get to converse with any of you about it. Hallmark fans are extremely silent on articles like these.

That's too bad because I'd really like to know your thoughts on Abby and Trace.

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Watching Abby grow closer to a man as thoughtful and kind as Jay reminded me that we've seen a lot more of Trace and Abby in disrepair than we ever got to see of them in love.

Even when they chose to get back together, Abby was always waiting for the other shoe to drop because Trace hadn't let go of his music career on the road.

Life Without Abby - Chesapeake Shores

We saw the potential for the couple and definite sparks, but they were always tip-toeing around the elephant in the room -- Trace might never be happy staying in Chesapeake Shores when the road was calling to him.

So even though I understand their love getting reignited years later, it wasn't a hard sell. 

On the other hand, in very short order, Jay proved to be a stand-up guy who supports Abby and her children from taking the girls' advice on a carpenter leading to Trace's involvement with the sets to their mutual understanding of the curative factor of a juice box.

It's nice seeing an enormous smile on Abby's face without hesitation. She's enjoying the attention Jay's showing her, and the way he rises to challenges with no concern gave Abby a lot to think about.

Trace Reconsiders - Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5

Depositions are hard, but Abby was almost transformed by what she experienced in that conference room.

She sees someone like Jay make an abrupt change from marine biology to primary education and be all the better for it, and she can't help but wonder if client meetings and financial papers that tear her away from her kids is all that she imagined.

I've never felt that she was well-suited to her career because of the way it conflicts with her family obligations, so stepping closer to the family by helping Mick could take her in an entirely new direction.

Unfortunately for Connor, his hard work on behalf of Mick was generally overlooked.

Mick Lounges - Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5

Or was it just that Connor didn't swing a more permanent seat helping Mick because his heart wasn't in the research?

Connor finally realized that he'll not be happy with corporate law that keeps him juggling meetings and legalese because his heart is in the courtroom. Some attorneys like to get justice done outside of the courtroom, but Connor isn't one of them.

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I have no doubt he'll be able to wow his former client and win a seat on her team. That's what a good attorney does, after all. They win arguments.

Mick's been very concerned about his ongoing company crisis, and when Megan shared with him she's going to back to painting, his face betrayed his words of encouragement.

Nell Gives an Assist - Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5

What do you think it means that Mick was so hesitant in his otherwise supporting praise of Megan's decision?

Is he concerned about the financial repercussions of that work in light of his troubles, or did her painting have something to do with their relationship falling apart years earlier?

It was such an odd reaction from him that it seemed it could be cause for him to pump the breaks on their relationship.

Mick's other concern is with The Bridge. He's not present even as a silent partner, and Trace wants to buy him out.

You know, it's one thing to be a silent partner, it's another to go completely silent. I mean, this, this club is my top priority, and if you can't make it one of yours, then I think we have a problem.


Maybe Mick will have a similar epiphany to Abby's. Whether that means focusing more on less on The Bridge? Who knows?

Meanwhile, Kevin and Sarah rushed so fast from their engagement to marriage that they forgot to have some pretty important discussions.

Kevin and Sarah Look to the Future - Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5

But when a couple can leap as they did and find themselves blissfully happy on the other side, there is relatively little they cannot overcome.

If they hadn't talked about having children at all, that would be one thing. But they agreed on that level. It was the number of children that could have caused conflict.

You know, I don't think YOU understand. If I don't teach my children to stand up for what's right regardless of the consequences, then I failed. And to me, that is more important than anything you can threaten me with. So, I think we're done here.


When the thing that stops you in your tracks is that all of your dreams might come true, you realize you have been blessed.

With Bree, the only thing that was weighing on her was how to effectively communicate her vision in the Playbill for her opening night.

Bree Prepares - Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5

That kind of happiness is almost stressful in itself because in 2019 it's very uncommon not to feel pressure from at least one avenue in your life.

That things are going so swimmingly for the O'Briens begins to point in the direction of the season finale, which has crept up on us too fast.

Heck, the Inn at Eagle Point had to open ahead of schedule to fit that into the same season as all of the other things the O'Briens are experiencing.

Guests arriving when the electricity is flaking, there is no food, and the beds hadn't been delivered could have been daunting for Jess and David. But having each other's backs means they ride any storms together.

David: Well don't worry because whatever happens, we'll get through it together like peanut butter and jelly.
Jess: Like pinot noir and Brussel sprouts.
David: Oh, we are so meant to be together.

Jess Folds - Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5

Amid all of their opening inn jitters, Jess even had time to visit with Mick to talk about what's going on with him and Megan.

Talk about little stress!

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If I ran an inn facing all of the obstacles in their path the day the guests arrived, chatting with dad about mom would be the last thing on my mind.

What I didn't really appreciate, though, was the way Jess was digging at David when she gave him the calendar. 

David Grins - Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5

We cannot be sure what was in his little pouch was a diamond engagement ring, but since he already gave her the sprinkler from their original inn, all signs point to yes.

It was their opening, and it seems like David wanted to celebrate by asking her to marry him. So why did he stuff it and a cute little unicorn (representing their one-of-a-kind luck striking twice) into drawers?

Do you think they'll be engaged by the end of the season?

Would you go to see Bree's play if you had the opportunity?

Should Trace and Abby revisit their love, or should she ride it out with Jay despite her obvious sparks with Trace? Are sparks all they're cracked up to be?

Hit me with your best shot, dear readers!

All the Time in the World Review

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Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 (6 Votes)

Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

You know, it's one thing to be a silent partner, it's another to go completely silent. I mean, this, this club is my top priority, and if you can't make it one of yours, then I think we have a problem.


You know, I don't think YOU understand. If I don't teach my children to stand up for what's right regardless of the consequences, then I failed. And to me, that is more important than anything you can threaten me with. So, I think we're done here.
