How to Get Away with Murder Season 6 Episode 6 Review: Family Sucks

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The devil works hard, but Annalise Keating works harder. 

How to Get Away with Murder Season 6 Episode 6 was all about getting the wheels in motion to set up the endgame for the series. 

Unfortunately, it was another ho-hum installment with a number of the plots not having much relevance. 

Annalise Intervenes - How to Get Away with Murder

This may be the most vulnerable Annalise has ever been, and it's giving Viola Davis some more awards-worthy performances, so that's not a bad thing. 

Retaliating against the Castillos was a good move because it was only a matter of time before they fired their next shot, and Annalise knows that her number could be up any minute if they send someone to kill her. 

Day In Court - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 6

This is an Annalise we've never seen before, and maybe fleeing the country may not be a bad thing.

It would have been good to see the other passports to see if they were all hers, but something tells me we may be in for a reveal that she plans to take the others with her, or at the very least, set them up with new identities. 

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Annalise has been like a hurricane in all of their lives. That's not putting all the blame on her, but they have all helped each other through murderous scenarios, and a part of me can't help but feel like she enabled some of them. 

Annalise is filled with hate because she's been dealt a rough hand in life, but she struggles to think positively anymore. She just assumes the worst is going to happen. This is the woman who became a household name after her case in the Supreme Court. 

Smashing Things - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 6

Knowing that the Castillos are after her, you would think she would take to the media to tarnish the brand somewhat. The chances of them striking against her or her allies if she's calling them out on TV would be much slimmer. 

There's no telling what Annalise is really up to because it feels like we're always waiting for the other shoe to drop with her. 

Come at me again, you'll be meeting your father sooner than you think.


She handled Solomon very well. That man may want to act like he wants to be the doting father, but if he really cared about Michaela, he would have reached out long ago. 

She had a horrible upbringing because she thought that nobody loved her. He had an opportunity to swoop in and save her. Instead, Michaela pursued him all on her own. 

Michaela Looks On - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 6

That being said, Solomon knows Michaela is in mortal danger if she continues to hang out with Annalise and the rest of her friends. That's why he tried to force her to go away with him, but Michaela is too loyal for that. 

Michaela has been carrying How to Get Away with Murder Season 6 thus far.  She's getting the most interesting storylines to work with, and her reaction to all of the drama gives us some great one-liners. 

Related: How to Get Away with Murder: Coming to an End!

More than anyone else, Michaela is conflicted about her place in the world. She came from nothing and is on a fast-track to a long and prosperous career in the world of all -- assuming the Castillos don't strike. 

As much as I would love for Michaela to end up with Gabriel, he can't be trusted. I'm not saying Michaela hasn't lied to him. She has, but she seems happier with Asher. Asher will always be there for her, even if she treats him like crap and decides against being with him. 

Sad Oliver - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 6

Their connection reigniting at the conclusion of "Family Sucks" was a highlight. No matter where they end up, they will always have a strong bond. 

It's entirely possible that Asher was the one to strike against Annalise. The blood on his shirt was pretty telling. I'm still not fully on the "Annalise is dead" train. 

It's possible that this is an elaborate ruse for her to get out of town. 

Gabriel's storyline wrapped up when his mother came to town, and the only thing keeping him around is his ties to Michaela. 

Annalise would never oust him, even if she said she would. She feels a sense of responsibility for him. Hey, she was essentially his step mom for a time. 

Nate: Is all your family dead?
Tegan: You didn't find that out when you stalked my whole life?

It would be nice for Gabriel to find someone and move on with his life, but he's not going to get over Michaela quickly. He wanted to be the perfect boyfriend and to meet her father, but he was ultimately shot down. 

The worst character right now has got to be Nate. He's a smart man who has helped the others when they really needed him, so it's a bitter pill to swallow that he would pursue Tegan's ex the way he did. 

The Judge Listens - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 6

There has to be more to this storyline because I refuse to believe we've watched Nate on this wild goose chase for weeks with no results. 

Tegan is sketchy, and the most telling thing was that she wanted to help Nate in the end. She knows that keeping her enemies closer is a good thing. This should make Nate more predictable if he continues to pursue answers. 

He's right under nose. 

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I don't know what to make of Cora running back to tell Tegan everything. Tegan clearly doesn't want to spend any time with her, but she needs to remember that Cora did not say she never loved her. 

Tegan: Did Annalise have anything to do with this?
Bonnie: No.
Tegan: Great, then I only need to fire one person today.
Bonnie: This is between you and Nate.
Tegan: Get your shady ass out of my firm.

It's not uncommon for couples to fall out of love with each other. People change as they grow, and what felt right then might not feel right now. Tegan needs to understand that a part of Cora still cares for her ... even if it's just in a platonic way. 

Unimpressed Connor - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 6

Which brings us to Connor and Bonnie. All this time, I figured Annalise had another deep, dark secret, one that was connected to Connor's family. Never in a million years did I think that it would have been Bonnie that decided to reel him in. 

Deep down, there are vast similarities between Connor and Bonnie. Connor is struggling to move on after everything he's done, and it felt organic for him to say that his humanity died when Sam was murdered. 

We know Connor was hyperventilating in the future storyline. If anyone is going to crack, it's going to be him, and there's a chance he could take the fall for a lot more than he's done. 

A Hug - How To Get Away with Murder Season 5 Episode 15

As for Bonnie, her relationship with Frank these days is just bizarre. Every single time she finds happiness, the rug is pulled from under her. 

On another note, who or what is really holding her back? If anyone could do with the fresh start, it's her.

Oh, wow. You guys really are poor.


But Frank is a bit rude to try and get his flirt on with her after the years he spent chasing Laurel like a lost puppy. 

That's all I got, HTGAWM Fanatics!

What did you think of all the latest twists and turns?

Hit the comments below. 

Remember, you can watch How to Get Away with Murder online right here via TV Fanatic. 

HTGAWM continues on Thursdays at 10/9c on ABC. 

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Family Sucks Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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How to Get Away with Murder Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

Oh, wow. You guys really are poor.


Tegan: Did Annalise have anything to do with this?
Bonnie: No.
Tegan: Great, then I only need to fire one person today.
Bonnie: This is between you and Nate.
Tegan: Get your shady ass out of my firm.