Mom Season 7 Episode 4 Review: Twirly Flippy Men and a Dirty Bird

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Things are back to business as usual on Mom Season 7 Episode 4 except Bonnie and Christy still aren't the ones fighting. 

Bonnie and Adam are now out of the honeymoon period and are fighting about space. These two have been living together for a while, but Adam brings up a valid point.

Previously, when they faught, he had a space that he could retreat to, but now he's renting his apartment out so he's not able to hide out there. They're together all the time and he's starting to realize exactly what he's in for. 

Bonnie and Gus - Mom

This type of back and forth is the kind of story that Mom has always excelled at. It zooms on one component of their relationship and magnifies it until it's comical. 

Yet, there's also a ring of truth to it when Adam says to himself that he had so many chances to get out of this.

It's true. There was a lot of "will their relationship make it" a few years ago, and in contrast this seems like a petty fight to be having after they've tied the not in Reno and had a ceremony for their friends.Yet, that doesn't make it any less comical. 

Bonnie's decision to give up some control of her home is also indicative of how she's changing. I've commented a lot about Bonnie's growth in my review of Mom Season 7 Episode 1

Bonnie Standing in Window - Mom Season 7 Episode 4

In some ways, Adam's reactions on this episode mirror those of Bonnie on their honeymoon.

While they were on their honeymoon, Bonnie was out of her routine and away from her support system and she focused some of her frustration on Adam. 

Here, Adam's out of his element and realizing how much that upsets how he does things.

While Adam knows Bonnie well enough to understand that AA is an essential part of her routine, Bonnie is still opening up to other people and letting them into her space. It makes sense that a nudge from Marjorie is needed to get them back on track. 

Even if the right track means that Bonnie now has a fish starring at her on their bedroom wall. 

Christy on the other hand has more problems. Chef Rudy has reentered the story and Christy is about to become his reluctant chauffer. 

Court Appointed AA - Mom Season 7 Episode 4

Chef Rudy has always been a bit like comedic saffron. He's funny in how horrible he is, and over the years Mom has phased out the restaurant and used the environment sparingly. 

That's a good decision for a show that is so focused on how people can change.

Until now, Rudy hasn't changed. He's always been the inappropropriate, pot-dealing in the freezer, gambling chef, and while that's an interesting character in contrast to Christy, it gets to be a little one-note at times.  

Given his history on the show, it was a treat to see him come back with court-ordered AA meetings, and his approach is exactly what you'd expect from this character.  

Rudy: I got a DUI, they suspended my license. so get this, I am legally required to do that thing you do.
Christy: Cry myself to sleep?

This is the first time Mom has explored court-ordered AA in this fashion, and it's oddly familiar. 

Seeing Rudy react negatively to AA reminds me of when Bonnie took Adam to a meeting so he could see what she was doing. Adam didn't see the point of them, and Rudy's in a similar mindset.

Christy Looks Annoyed - Mom Season 7 Episode 4

The difference is, Rudy does have a problem, it's just not a "rock bottom" like we've seen before. 

But Marjorie's share had a point. The court ordering Rudy to go to AA was a warning sign, and he could choose to stop digging and get help if he wanted.

The thing about this storyline is that Rudy doesn't have to actively try to annoy Christy. He's just himself and it drives Christy insane to the point where she kicks him out of the car. 

The progression to get to that point is a slow burn with lots of quips from Rudy's end, culminating in Christy having to retrieve him from his house. 

Majorie Gives Christy a Disapproving Look - Mom Season 7 Episode 4

Christy's little dance at the fact that she ruined drinking for Rudy is a great way to close out this episode, but it shouldn't close out the storyline.

While I don't think Rudy should join Christy and her friends at the Bistro, he could easily be factored into the larger story as he tries to detox. 

Much in the same way that Jill would go to rehab and come back, Rudy could progress in a similar fashion, and let's not forget that progress isn't always a straight line. 

Even if Rudy gives up alcohol, he has other vices that could be contended with. 

Christy is Annoyed At Chef Rudy

I have one bone to pick with the writers of Mom, and it's regarding Wendy. 

We're going to need a Wendy-centric episode soon. Being the friend who is always ignored is getting old and she needs to branch out even if it throws off their expectations. The braids were a nice touch. 

Honestly though, every time we get a tidbit about Wendy's life everyone acts surprised. It's great, but while Marjorie, Jill, Tammy, Bonnie, and Christy all have full lives with relationships outside of the group. Wendy still doesn't. 

I am honestly dying to know how things are going down with her guy from Orlando in Mom Season 7 Episode 2

What did you think of this episode of Mom? Were you suprised by the appearance of Rudy? Let us know in the comments below. 

Watch Mom online to see this episode and other hijinx from the show. 

Twirly Flippy Men and a Dirty Bird Review

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Lauren Busser is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Mom Season 7 Episode 4 Quotes

Rudy: I got a DUI, they suspended my license. so get this, I am legally required to do that thing you do.
Christy: Cry myself to sleep?

Adam: Did you eat the chocolate out of my nightstand drawer?
Bonnie: Sorry, I have to get gas today, I'll pick you up another one.
Adam: This isn't gas station chocolate, it has hints of elderberrie and sea salt and 72% cacao.
Bonnie: You're so upset you don't know how to pronounce it. I love you honey, but it's cocoa.