Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season Premiere Review: Holt's Fall From Grace

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine is back with two episodes to start off its seventh season. 

It's been a while since the Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 finale, so in case you forgot, at the end of last season Wuntch demoted Holt to a patrol officer.

Typically, Brooklyn Nine-Nine ends its seasons with a big cliffhanger like Jake and Rosa being framed and sent to prison or Holt and Jake entering the witness protection program. (Poor Jake!)

Puffer Chests In the Vests - Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Last season's twist was a bit tamer, but it still has a large impact. In Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 1 and Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 2, we see how Holt's adjusting to the change and what it means for the rest of the squad.

After an assassination attempt on a city councilor, Jake's in charge of leading a manhunt to find the shooter.

Boyle promptly assumes the familiar role of sidekick to Jake and gives himself an interesting new title.

Jake: It's a manhunt. And I'm the man-hunter.
Charles: And I'm your sidekick, the boy-hunter.

Boyle's complete lack of self-awareness continues to amaze me. Regardless, the show's at its best when Jake and Charles are working together. 

However, the friendship that shined the most in the premiere would have to be Amy and Rosa. Rosa isn't known for being the most emotional character, but she's always been a caring friend.

Holt's New Partner - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 1

I love seeing that side of Rosa, so seeing her be there for Amy during her pregnancy scare was a great start to Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7.

Another bright spot was Holt's new partner, guest actress Vanessa Bayer, and her elaborate backstory that she reveals through a few quick throwaway lines.

I hope she finds her twin sister's killer one day.

Holt and Jake struggled to adjust to their new power dynamic, unsurprisingly. Jake's always viewed Holt as a sort of father figure, which is evident by how many times he slips and calls him both dad and captain in the span of a minute.

Holt: I've been stripped of my accomplishments and lost the respect of everyone in my life, including my dog.
Jake: Cheddar? No.
Holt: Yes. Now, he only poops for Kevin.

Holt's worked so hard to work his way up to captain that he has a hard time giving that power to one his former officers.

Captain Holt and a Bird - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 2

Holt and Jake's dynamic has always been a fan-favorite on the show and seeing them try to find their footing in their new roles was bittersweet.

I love Holt. I never want to see him struggling. But at the same time, Jake getting to be the one in charge shows how much he's grown as a character since the pilot.

He's no longer a tardy, disorganized cop. He's putting 110% into everything he does.

He can lead a manhunt and delegate tasks accordingly. He's come a long way.

However, Holt's still one step ahead. At the end of the day, he's the one who solves the case.

Holt's Fall From Grace - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 1

Madeline Wuntch, is a personal vendetta really worth keeping a great captain from his squad?

Amy and Jake deciding to try for a baby after Amy's test came back negative was a really sweet moment.

Writers usually struggle with finding interesting plotlines for a couple once they get together (I'm looking at you, Superstore), but I think it'll be enjoyable to watch this one unravel.

On Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 12, Jake and Amy argued about whether or not they wanted to have children.

It was one of the most memorable moments last season, so even if they're on the same page now, I think there's a lot of potential for compelling conflict ahead.

Jake changed his mind about whether or not he wanted to be a father pretty quickly, so I wouldn't be surprised if he still has some doubts in the future.

The latter half of this season's debut featured a new captain stepping up as Holt's replacement.

Captain Julie Kim - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 2

I'm typically all for the storyline of main characters being apprehensive to let someone new into their group in later seasons of a show, but this time it fell flat. 

It was obvious from the beginning that even if Captain Kim seemed to be too good to be true, she was genuine. Holt and Jake just didn't want her there. 

I love the diversity she would've added to the cast, and the chemistry Nicole Bilderback had with everyone was great. 

I'm really disappointed she won't be sticking around. 

Not only was she the perfect captain to the squad, but she did everything she could to try and fit in with the group. Who can blame her for that?

Captain Kim and Jake - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 2

She was there for one day and knew exactly how to please everyone at her party. Hitchcock and Scully's lives peaked when they sat in her chairs.

Sidenote, Hitchcock and Scully are still criminally underused. I'm grateful they're in the credits now, but they need more screentime.

If you're going to write them as the funniest characters, please use them more!

Speaking of funny characters, Cool Charles was comedy gold.

Cool Charles - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 2

Joe Lo Truglio has always had great comedic timing and trying to be tough for the new captain only proved that skill further. 

Charles: What's up guys? Why are we standing around outside?
Jake: Is your walk different? Are you strutting?
Charles: I don't know what you're talking about. This is how I always walk, bitch.

Ultimately, the season premiere of Brooklyn Nine-Nine set a good tone for what's to come.

There were no big twists or shocking moments, but the charm of Brooklyn Nine-Nine has always been its ability to keep you entertained with the quick one-liners even when the plot is lacking.

Wine and Cheese - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 2

Stray Thoughts:

  • I miss Gina. No matter what the show does there will always be a human form of the 100 emoji sized hole in my heart.
  • I wonder how many episodes we'll get before Holt is somehow magically reinstated as captain again. Brooklyn Nine-Nine may be known for its cliffhangers, but they usually get resolved in the first few episodes of the season.
  • I hope Cool Charles makes another appearance. He has some great comebacks.
  • The side plot of Terry facing a man he put in prison ten years prior had the potential to be really interesting. However, it didn't make sense in this episode at all. I'm annoyed they wasted an awesome idea on five minutes that you easily could take away and the plot wouldn't be affected. 

What did you think of Captain Kim?

Do you hope we see more of Officer Fogel?

Are you rooting for Jake and Amy to have a kid?

I'm really excited about the pregnancy storyline going forward and hope we get to see more of Jake and Amy's relationship this season. 

Catch up on the new season when you watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine online here at TV Fanatic.

Manhunter Review

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Jillian Pugliese is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 1 Quotes

Jake: It's a manhunt. And I'm the man-hunter.
Charles: And I'm your sidekick, the boy-hunter.

Holt: I've been stripped of my accomplishments and lost the respect of everyone in my life, including my dog.
Jake: Cheddar? No.
Holt: Yes. Now, he only poops for Kevin.