Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11 Review: Valloweaster

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It's heist time, baby!

The fan-favorite tradition returns on Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11.

This time, it's a partner heist.

Heist Duo - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

We're now on our sixth (and seventh and eighth) heist, so we're due for a new twist.

Nothing will ever be able to beat Jake using a heist to propose to Amy, but this heist chapter might be a close second.

We have our first three-time winner. And no, it's not Jake or Holt.

It's Rosa!

She pulls off the longest con we've seen in a heist thus far, dragging it out from Halloween until Easter.

Rosa During Heist - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

She gets major points for dramatic flair, by jumping off a roof, and lighting her name on fire below. But, how did she pull it off?

It's not a heist episode without a long-winded backstory!

She was always one step ahead of everyone. Jake, Amy, and Holt, all previous winners of the heists, thought they were able to anticipate each other's moves. But, no one paid enough attention to Rosa.

Pumpkin Amy - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

With Scully as a partner, it's easy to have written her off as the underdog. But now, she's the ultimate champion.

And all she had to do was feed everyone ham. Who knew?

She tricked Cheddar into wanting to eat the prized gems by covering them in ham. She did the same thing to her partner, Scully. She even got Terry to help her by ruining his smoothies with ham. 

Scully During Heist - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

It was a simple plan, but very effective.

What's most surprising is how no one saw this coming. Sure, Scully may have the same intelligence level as Cheddar, but gems getting swallowed twice? That has to seem like more than just a coincidence.

Rosa was able to drag the heist out for six months, and no one expected her until the very end. 

She's set a very high bar for the next heist.

It seems like the squad has learned their lesson by swearing off another partner round. Although Rosa pulled off her plan on her own, it's just not as exciting to have people working together.

Heist Trophy - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

Jake and Holt have always been the ones to beat, and this episode lacked them getting to go head-to-head.

Of course, they weren't exactly the dream team they were planning to be, either.

Both of them are too stubborn and arrogant when it comes to the heists, and wanted to be the one who won for their team. They've never acted more like a father and son duo.

This, ultimately, fed into Rosa's plan. Holt was too preoccupied with his bunny suits idea to notice what she was up to.

Here they come, my beautiful blue-vested bunnies.


The unique structure of the episode also kept Rosa's plan from the audience. By starting with the ridiculous scene of everyone fighting in bunny costumes, it's easy to find yourself just waiting for the show to get to that moment. 

Who can keep track of who's in the lead anymore? We're still waiting to see how we get to the Easter celebration from hell.

Amy in Costume - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

It was strange of Terry to opt-out of the heist so early on.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine never seems to know what to do with him. In a show with so many interesting characters, Terry continually falls flat. 

As Jake says in the episode, he's mainly useful whenever they need someone strong. If you're not lifting something heavy, you don't really need Terry. 

But, if you drag out a heist for half a year, he might end up being helpful in the end. Terry got tired of feeling left out, and helped Rosa win by dressing up as her decoy bunny. 

It's still not the best plotline, but at least they found something for him to do.

Annoyed Terry - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

The same can't be said for Hitchcock. 

He was left out of everything in this episode, even getting fed ham. Rosa chose to partner with a filing cabinet over him.

And they're right, the filing cabinet does bear a weird resemblance to Scully.

Scully and Hitchcock's inclusion in the main cast for this season has proven to be a great choice.

They play off the rest of the cast really well, and always have something funny to say.

Hitchcock During Heist - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

But, they're always better together.

Hopefully, next episode we'll get to see them have lunch together again. Scully should never have to miss Hitchcock eating an Italian sandwich.

Charles: I guess Jake and I still have the only unbreakable bond in the precinct.
Amy: I mean, he is my husband.
Charles: Mhm, no one ever gets divorced?

Even though Jake didn't win the heist this time, he still won a prize in the friendship of Charles Boyle. 

Every episode, Charles makes comments about how much he cares for Jake, and this one was no exception. Charles doesn't even care about the heist. He'd rather give up the game just to hear a joke his best friend made. 

Sure, it's partly due to his disinterest in the intense competition at hand, but it's still sweet. 

Look at them laughing. Jake must've said something really funny. Should we forfeit and go see what it is?


Their relationship will always be one of the best parts of the show. Brooklyn Nine-Nine's friendships are better than any heist!

Irritated Charles - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

Stray Thoughts:

  • Poor Bill. What the heck happened to him in those four months?

I've had Arlo for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.


  • Cheddar made his annual appearance. Whether or not he's a "thick king", we still love him.
  • It's great to hear Jake is in therapy. Even if it was fake, it's a great step in the right direction for him. Hopefully, this will lead him to find a real doctor to talk to! 
Jake next to Trophy - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11

If you missed the episode, you can catch up and watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine online here at TV Fanatic!

What did you think of the heist? 

Do you like the partner idea?

Should Rosa's three wins count?

And how will they top a six-month-long heist next season?

Let us know what you think in the comments!

Valloweaster Review

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Jillian Pugliese is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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