Watch In The Dark Online: Season 2 Episode 5

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Did Murphy ruin happiness for everyone?

On In The Dark Season 2 Episode 5, it became apparent that her choices put the Guiding Hope crew deeper into Nia's deadly game. 

Jess and Sterling  - In The Dark Season 2 Episode 4

Meanwhile, Jess started to get suspicious of the closed-door meetings between Felix and Murphy.

Elsewhere, Dean tried to keep Chloe away from Murphy after learning the truth about her father. 

Did it push Murphy away from her friend?

Use the video above to watch In The Dark online right here via TV Fanatic. 

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In The Dark Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Murphy: Your little plan isn't going to work.
Felix: What, Murphy what are you talking about?
Murphy: We're not just laundering some money.

Felix: I cannot believe Ben did this to us.
Murphy: I can.