Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9 Review: The Bargain of the Blood Shroud

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Things are heating up, folks.

The Bobbsey twins returned on Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9, and thanks to them, romance is in the air for a couple of members of the Drew Crew. But are these new couples built to last?

The backstory for Gil and Amanda weaved nicely into the mystery component of Nancy Drew, and it showed us why Nancy and Gil are being pushed together, as well as Ace and Amanda.

Bobbsey Twins - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9

Gil and Amanda did not have it easy growing up, thanks to their mother supposedly being murdered when they were six. But, in a shocking turn of events, their mother was never murdered. What is this show without a game-changing twist every episode?

We can assume that Rosemary faked her own death to protect her children from a monster haunting her. And knowing Nancy Drew, we can also conclude that this monster is real.

All we know for certain, though, is that this story isn't over, and we are about to see a lot more of the Bobbsey family.

Nancy: Do you trust me?
George: Why? But also, yes.

I hope that the mystery of their mother's disappearance somehow ties into the Drew Crew's ordeal with the supernatural spirits that Nancy released on Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 5. Or with getting rid of Odette for good.

Overall, this episode was great for character building and the mystery of the week, but we were missing a tie-in to the overarching story of Nancy Drew Season 2. Hopefully, they get back to it on Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 10.

Trouble - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9

Gil is somehow both the complete opposite of Nancy and the same person as her. I guess you could call them two sides of the same coin.

Now, whether that's a good or bad thing for their developing romance remains to be seen.

Gil does seem like the bad boy that Nancy can't help but feel drawn to, though. And we all know how that story ends.

Nick: So, this thing that could kill you, it was just in your locker.
George: It was locked in my locker.
Nick: Right. Oh, okay. But not in a bank or a safe or somewhere that's actually-
George: Hey, Ace. Was anything else taken?

But they do make for an intriguing team for the time being. Gil makes Nancy look like the most cautious person in Horseshoe Bay with his impatience and recklessness. In turn, she grounds him.

There's no doubt that Gil is a passionate guy as his emotions were all over the place during the hour. It will be interesting to see how a relationship between him and Nancy unfolds as the season continues.

Amanda - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9

The other new pairing is Ace and Amanda, who first flirted on Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 7.

We still don't know a lot about Amanda, other than that she can talk her brother down from the ledge. But Ace appears to be infatuated with her.

They are both calm and collected individuals from what we have seen. Perhaps they are the same as Nancy and Gil, however -- similar but opposite at the same time.

It's way too early on in these relationships to deem them epic romances, but there is a reason why they are being pushed together. And we think we can identify it.

At this point, it looks like the writers are building to the possibility of having a romance develop between Nancy and Ace in the future.

Search for the Shroud - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9

The Nancy and Ace of it all have been subtly teased for some time now. Fans and critics have picked up on the telling signs, but things are now in full motion.

Their friendship is one of the best parts of the show, and the prospect of that turning into something more is very appealing.

Some of the best romances on television are the ones that start as a friendship. And Nancy and Ace have developed a relationship born of trust and reliability.

Art Gallery Worker: Restrooms are for clients only.
Nancy: Oh.
Ace: That's a shame cause we'd heard great things about your restrooms.

Like they said during their final scene on "The Bargain of the Blood Shroud," they know each other. And not just on a surface level. They understand one another deeply.

And that is most likely why many fans are rooting for Nancy and Ace as a couple. They already have a strong friendship, so the thought that the writers might be pushing them together romantically is exciting.

George and Nick - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9

Not to be outdone by the new couples, the relationship between Nick and George took up a lot of time on the hour.

Nick is crazy in love with George. He acted like a madman when he showed up at the Bobbsey home and demanded Gil to give him the shroud.

And while George doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve as Nick does, we know that she feels the same way about him. They are sweet together and balance one another quite well.

Nick: We had a visit from Odette.
George: Oh, that bitch.

But Odette is not making it easy for the couple. She, too, was in love once. And all she wants to do is get back to her, even if that meant killing George.

Thankfully, Nick was able to appeal to the romantic side of Odette and get her to step off the ledge.

Nick and George - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9

Odette is such a fun character to have around, and we can tell that Leah Lewis is having the best time playing her. But we do hope that she leaves George's body very soon.

George has had one too many near-death experiences in only two seasons of the show. Can't someone else get possessed for once?

As time goes on, we can see that Odette is not an evil person. We feel terrible about the things she has had to go through, but George doesn't deserve to be timesharing her body with an ancient Frenchwoman.

Hopefully, the Drew Crew finds a solution to this whole ordeal soon because it would be awful to see George on the brink of death for what feels like the hundredth time.

Nancy - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9

Aside from the many romance subplots of the episode, Bess struggled to accept her banishment from the Marvin family.

Who knew that Carson Drew, of all people, would be the one to make her feel better?

Amanda: You don't have siblings, do you?
Ace: That's, um, a question.

All Bess needed was a little bit of distraction. And, surprisingly, Bess is quite good at editing Carson's speeches for law hearings. Could she be the next person from the Drew Crew that Carson hires?

There's no doubt that she could use something to redirect all her negative energy.

In any case, the pairing up of Carson and Bess goes to show that Nancy Drew has created such wonderful, complex characters that each one of them fits together so well. This show knows how to display meaningful dynamics like no other series on television.

Gil Bobbsey - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9

What did you think, Nancy Drew Fanatics?

Are you excited to see more of the Bobbsey twins? Are you hoping for a romance between Nancy and Ace somewhere down the line? How bad do you want Odette gone?

And does anyone else think that Ace might be a Hardy Boy after that last scene?

Let me know in the comments, and do not forget that you can watch Nancy Drew online right here via TV Fanatic!

Nancy Drew airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

The Bargain of the Blood Shroud Review

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Sarah Little was a staff writer for TV Fanatic.She retired in September 2021.

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Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Nick: So, this thing that could kill you, it was just in your locker.
George: It was locked in my locker.
Nick: Right. Oh, okay. But not in a bank or a safe or somewhere that's actually-
George: Hey, Ace. Was anything else taken?

Nick: We had a visit from Odette.
George: Oh, that bitch.