9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10 Review: A Little Help From My Friends

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Lone Star has been killing it!

What wasn't there to love about 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10? It was an hour with an outlandish case, a sweet end result for another, an intervention, and a hilarious duo I didn't know we needed.

It was such a well-balanced, heartwarming, emotional, and delightful hour.

Ice Cream Crisis - tall  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

One of the few criticisms of Lone Star compared to its predecessor is that often Owen didn't have the similar Den Dad vibe of Bobby Nash. More often than not, he formed bonds and interacted most with his son and Judd.

But by keeping him tied down to the same two or three characters, we missed out on fun dynamics like Owen and Mateo. Who saw that duo coming?

It's a testament to how well T.K. is doing in his life that he's moving in with Carlos right now. When you think about the trajectory of this character and his development since 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 1 Episode 1, it's hard not to get emotional.

He's come such a long way, and what started as Owen dragging his son to Austin for a fresh start became T.K. finding love, family, purpose, personal growth, and happiness.

Carlos on the Way - tall  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

It's beautiful. T.K. made a career shift to a paramedic, and he not only seems happy with it, but it's a natural fit, and he's thriving in the position.

He and Carlos are as happy as can be, and moving in together is a big step for them. He's sober, and he's developed a close-knit bond with his squad. Life looks good for him, and it's what Owen hoped for, but it happens that T.K's progress is happening at a time when Owen is in influx.

Owen is still reeling from Gwyn's departure, and this baby he was excited about not being his. He's cancer-free, but the possibility of something going wrong still looms over him. And now that T.K. is thriving, Owen feels like he isn't needed as much anymore.

With T.K. gone, it forced Owen to deal with his feelings, and those are the last things he wanted to face.

Owen and TK Eat Ice Cream - tall  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

He jumped at the opportunity for Mateo to move in with him, and honestly, it was the ideal situation for both characters and made for pure entertainment.

Owen doesn't spend much time with any of the other squad members on a personal level. He cares about them, and they respect him as their captain, but their paths didn't cross outside of work often.

But Mateo gave a lonely Owen someone to spend his time with and distract himself from the empty nest syndrome he's experiencing with T.K. gone.

Also, Mateo is a pure delight as a character with a youthful wholesomeness that would appeal to Owen and give him the companionship and camaraderie he craves.

Owen's New Roomie - Tall  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

Mateo isn't one who'd turn Owen down or say no, so that's how the poor guy ended up hungover off tequila and spilling Owen's secret drunken confessions.

Owen canceling his surgery is in line with how he views things. T.K. hit the nail on the head at the intervention. A part of Owen is scared that they will get all the cancer, and he won't have that to cling to or use to beat up on himself.

Owen's Survivor's Guilt is strong, and he can't quite shake it. He always considered cancer his punishment for making it out of the towers and surviving his friends.

A new baby was something that gave him a new sense of purpose, but then that was ripped away from him. Owen loves to punish himself, and it's almost as if he can't allow himself to be happy.

Owen's Intervention - tall  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

He self-sabotages, and he willingly makes himself a martyr when he doesn't need to, and it's sad.

The others were right about him being depressed, and it's much deeper than recent events. It's bone-deep for him.

The intervention was a great scene. Sure, it was amusing to no end, and it gave us all those family feels with the kids calling dad out on his actions, but it also was necessary for him.

Owen: I know how to roll with the punches.
Judd: No, you take the punches, and then when they're all done, you go find some more.

Owen needed to know that the others are paying attention to his behavior and that they are concerned and want better for him. It's funny that most of them didn't know what to say, but Judd always knows how to get straight to the point.

After 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 9, Judd's input carried more weight than ever since it's evident he and Owen are more similar than we'd have imagined. Before Grace, Judd was utterly lost, and he wouldn't let himself be happy, letting the past hold a firm grip on him.

Smiling Depression -tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

And there was the suicide ideation and depression, too. While Owen isn't suicidal, he's also shown where he's not afraid to die and often welcomes it.

If anyone could understand Owen, it's Judd. And even though Owen took his time hearing them out, after the scare with Buttercup, he acknowledged all that they said, and he shows signs of wanting better for himself.

I also appreciate that Owen acknowledged how messed up it was when he referred to the potential new kid as if he didn't already have T.K. 

Owen's moment bonding with the poor kid with no friends was both amusing and a bit sad. But that's what made the cases stand out during this installment.

Fire Besties  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

The ice cream fiasco took the cake with its gnarliness and classic 9-1-1 franchise insanity!

Was I the only one who wanted to smack all of those ignorant teens filming the entire thing and laughing? Why are teenagers the absolute worst?!

It was a sweet, sweet moment when Marjan got justice for the ice cream employees. Can you imagine experiencing that scary and painful ordeal only to find out you trended on social media and your most terrifying moment was out there for all the world to see?

The season has given us some gruesome cases; I"m talking sometimes you want to turn away from the screen it's so gross, but it's awesome, too!

Killer Ice Cream machine - tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

But the best part about how well the team handled that case was that both employees were so grateful, they offered free ice cream for life. It was peak 126 to use that to their advantage and help the little guy make some friends for his birthday.

I love those full-circle moments, and it was enough to make you smile.

Owen wasn't the only one requiring some help; Gracie did too.

It's not the least bit surprising that someone who dedicates her entire life to helping other people doesn't know how to receive any of it.

Beauty and Grace - Tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 4

Her recovery from the accident wasn't going well for her, and it left her feeling helpless. We can imagine that a doting Judd was even more so knowing he almost lost his wife and that she's carrying their child now.

He's probably been smothering her.

But she's an independent woman to a fault, and she couldn't help pushing herself beyond her limits.

Grace was nerve-wracking when she went grocery shopping, limping down the aisles and refusing help from anyone who offered.

Wise Cowboy - Tall - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 4

It's one thing to be that stubborn when it's your health you're worried about, but she's having a baby now, and with every move she made, I was afraid she'd fall or something.

All of the crunching noises that happened when Grace got to the car -- they weren't putting anyone at ease.

You know you're a stubborn person when you'd rather sit in a car for six hours before reaching out and calling someone for help. Good grief, woman!

She has so many people who care about her, from her mother and father to Charles and Tommy. Thank goodness she reached out to Tommy when she did.

Tommy Smiles  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

The relationship between the Ryders and the Vegas is one of the brightest spots of this season, and Tommy's friendship with both Judd and Grace is proof.

Judd could confide in Tommy at work about how Grace wasn't handling things well or accepting the help she needed, and when Grace reached out to her, she was the perfect person to give her some advice about leaning on loved ones.

Gracie, asking for help doesn't mean that you're weak. It means that you're wise.


From discussing how difficult it was as a woman, and also as a Black woman, allowing oneself to be vulnerable, Tommy managed to get through to Grace.

It was a relief when she asked Judd for help by the end of the hour, and he was more than willing to lend a hand, perfect hubby that he is.

Community's Heroes  - 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10

It was nice to get more time with Grace on the personal homefront rather than the calls, even though those are the absolute best and always a highlight.

Overall, it was the perfect balance of personal story arcs and character and dynamic building along with engaging cases.

You're as tough as they came, ain't ya girl? But you should know better than to be trying to get around without a hand.


It felt as if everyone got time to shine, and the group and team dynamic were strong. It felt like a family. It made for one of the strongest installments of the season so far.

Over to you, Lone Star Fanatics! Did you love this installment?

Do you love Owen and Mateo as roomies? Has 9-1-1: Lone Star hit its stride? Hit the comments below!

You can watch 9-1-1: Lone Star online here via TV Fanatic. 

A Little Help From My Friends Review

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Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Thank you, Judd. I love you, I promise I do. Please, go to work.


You're as tough as they came, ain't ya girl? But you should know better than to be trying to get around without a hand.
