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Another day at the station. Owen is feeling better about Austin. It's a lot like New York.

Every six weeks, Owen gets his head injected with finasteride. He also uses it topically twice a day and takes it once orally. It's also good for his prostate health.

Michelle chips in. She'd like to see him bald. She thinks it's masculine.

A woman named Liza is conducting a meeting, and she gets so itchy that she starts scratching herself with a fork.

She walks over to the glass walls and smacks her forehead along the glass until it cracks and walks right out to the floor.

Many others begin to get the same anxiety that drives them to hurt themselves. The whole crew gets tasked with keeping everyone from jumping out the window, but not all get saved as they begin falling from the sky.

It's Mad Hatter's disease from handling mercury.

Paul heads to the conference table to assess the situation. They call it "doin' a thing."

He's like Sherlock Holmes. He finds mercury in the sandwiches. Literal liquid. It's really gross.

The sandwich guy shows up with more food and gets arrested.

Because he got treated like a nonperson, and they never tipped. WTF?

Owen visits a clinic that likes to promise he'll die an old man with cancer rather than from it. And he's only worried about his hair. He can't continue with his finasteride regimen.

Judd and Grace are at a doctor, too, getting PTSD help. He notes the Zegarnick effect that is incomplete tasks that trap the brain into repetitive tasks like singing the same song all day.

Counting breaths is a powerful tool for healing. Count each breath and try to remember that night as it happened, the doc says.

Judd gets to two before he walks out the door.

Michelle gets called to the house of the kid who has asthma.

Michelle is like an avenging angel. Everyone knew her sister. There's a story there.

Gustavo hesitates. Then he tells her about her sister getting into an argument with her boyfriend and then getting into a blue pickup truck.

Her sister's name is Iris and her boyfriend Justin.

Owen is a fancy man, and Judd just wants coffee with creamer.

Judd asks after Owen and his cancer wondering why he looked for his hair thing before seeking treatment for cancer. And in response, Owen tells him about the hair issue.

Judd thinks Owen might need a therapist, too, since he hasn't told T.K. about his cancer.

A fire call finds a woman pretty chuffed to see the handsome Captain. She's called the police on her neighbor. He's cooking barbacoa in his yard.

The woman is cracking on about being a citizen, so she gets arrested.

T.K. and Carlos have wild sex.

Michelle goes to see a witch for input into her sister's death.

Iris was always the sunshine child who one-upped Michelle from track to medical careers.

The witch needs Michelle to do exactly what she says to find Iris.

Owen had a nightmare that he wakes up to an entirely bald head.

That makes him sneak into the station where his entire crew makes fun of him.

It culminates with a woman he's trying to save deciding to die rather than take his arm.

Owen and Michelle have a moment over their situations.

He thinks if she's been looking for her sister this long, maybe changing it up is the best thing to do.

During a mandatory evacuation of an apartment building, one of the residents won't leave and pulls a gun on Marjan.

Owen plays into the fella's fantasy to get him out.

They get him out in just the knick of time before the building blows.

Judd takes Owen horseback riding on family property to Simple Man from Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Judd has a lot of advice for Owen. He's gotta do what he's gotta do to stay alive, and now they know he looks good in a cowboy hat.

T.K. is trying to lose himself in Carlos, but Carlos wants to woo him with dinner.

T.K. is rude and unappreciative of the scorching guy serving him dinner. He says it feels like a whole thing. He's not looking for dinner.

Carlos just wants to have a conversation, not propose marriage. And that doesn't go over well.

T.K. storms out without even eating!

Judd and Grace are doing his breathing. He's recalling their jubilance at having gotten the trucks ready and the water working.

Shinedown plays over the ending montage that includes Michelle doing her bath and burning $100 to find her sister.

Owen tosses his hair medication.

He dons the hat, looks in the mirror, and says yee-haw.

9-1-1: Lone Star
Episode Number:
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

T.K.: You've got a little spring in your step, there, Cap. Did you get laid or something?
Owen: Eh, I'm just feelin' a little more home in Austin. I found an organic food market. I found a vitamin shop that sells my fish oil supplements I like. If found a core-power yoga studio within walking distance. This place is like New York, but just a lot less trash on the street.

Owen: Every time I sit for one of those caricatures with a guy in the street, my hair is like enormous.
Christine: Every time? How often do you sit for one of those?
T.K.: I think you have an irrational fear of losin' your hair, Cap.
Owen: [mutters to himself] Who says it's irrational?