Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3 Review: Let's Talk About Sex

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Oh, they definitely went there with this installment!

Sex was front and center on Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3, and they dished up an educational and horny hour, which can be the best of both worlds.

The hour didn't hold back with its position on the war on Women's health and rights, and they touched on it, pardon the pun, in many ways.

Similar Dynamics  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

While they've been taking a more subtle approach with their agenda-geared storytelling this season, this hour was the most overtly, unapologetically political, and in this case, it still worked.

Addison's return brought the issue of women's health to the forefront as she expressed her general frustration, anger, and overwhelming helplessness over a series of laws that she feels erased her legacy and work and makes her obsolete.

Welcome Back, Addy - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

Her discussion with Richard in that elevator was illuminating for how this feels for a woman who is one of the most world-renown in her field fighting daily against this regression that spits on the work that she's done her entire career endangers the lives of many.

Addison was on one, and she had every right to be. It made sense that she was so adamant about getting this sex-ed video out and educating kids, and the attitude that everyone had in relation to it irked her.

Initially, it was like no one else was seeing the bigger picture or why she was this passionate about something that they felt was embarrassing or a waste of time.

But they ended up with two of those high school students with issues that needed to be addressed, and it was a lesson on the importance of women's health and how little society knows about it at the same time.

Addision Returns ... to Talk About Sex?! - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

The poor student who had a cyst was particularly enlightening because she was young but already faced what millions of women deal with, where doctors and others don't trust that they know their own bodies or when something is wrong with them.

And also, they don't know the signs of certain things because they simply are not taught. For a while, the patient and everyone else dismissed her pain and wrote it off as bad period cramps or so forth, when in reality, she had a massive cyst that required surgery.

Addison: What they've done, what they continue to do, I just feel --
Webber: Erased?

Most young girls don't even learn about cysts, their prevalence, and what to look for to ensure they're okay.

And Levi displayed how incredible he was as a doctor and what healthcare providers should be like when he helped the pregnant teenager confirm that she was pregnant and get a medical abortion.

Addison's Sex-Ed -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

Not often do you see any form of abortion portrayed on television, and it's not without controversy. The series diving headlong into it, walking this teenager through the steps and explaining the process, portraying it on primetime television was such an important thing to showcase.

It was a hell of a stand to make too, and in this way, it felt like old-school Grey's Anatomy when they tackled social issues. Although, there were moments with the reciting of certain lines where it veered towards preachy, after-school special.

They could've left it at the big issues regarding sex and women's health, but they chose to have fun and get educational with the actual act of sex, too.

Initially, the interns were awkward and tedious trying to run down statistics and factoids that most adults, let alone teens, would retain.

Sex Ed -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

But there's nothing like asking everyone where the clitoris is to shift the tone and get everyone's undivided attention.

Of course, in an hour, that hit home how we fail women with limited education on their own bodies and health while attacking them at every turn would also do its diligence in teaching teens and the adults like Owen about female pleasure.

Never had to put a condom on something as small as this banana.


Mika and Jules were the dynamic duo of educating the kids on sex, from teaching them about the clitoris and how to properly stimulate it to teaching the guys that real, enjoyable sex for partners is NOT like freaking porn.

Blue had awkward moments during the ordeal, mostly piquing Jules' curiosity about how sexually knowledgeable he was.

Jules Does Research - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 2

When he made that quip about not being accustomed to putting a condom on something as SMALL as a banana, it was apparent that those two would be hitting up an on-call room to work out some sexual frustration.

And there was a pairing I didn't even know I wanted until it happened. Good for them!

Never had to put a condom on something as small as this banana.


Their supposed hate-sex vibes felt similar to Izzie and Alex; go figure.

Kevin McKidd, who directed this episode and continues to slay in that department without fail every time, was in his comedic bag yet again.

Good with Kids -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

Somehow, I manage to be both annoyed with Teddy and Owen's bickering couple bit and entertained because Raver and McKidd are clearly having the time of their lives with this silly plot.

Putting the warring married couple in front of a roomful of teenagers to talk about sex, erogenous zones, and consent felt absurd. Owen's gruff, aggressive-sounding bit about consent was funny, though.

And Teddy publically dragging her husband in front of some kids and the world once the video went viral, talking about how he doesn't do foreplay and erogenous zones and just goes right for, as Monica Gellar would say, SEVEN, made me laugh out loud.

But by the end of the hour, he got the hint about the back of the knee literally getting her juices flowing, and the two of them were going at it like rabbits as part of the sexy montage.

Sweet Moments -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

The video is definitely going to go viral with all of the overt sex talk and dancing. I'm delighted that it only took three episodes to see Harry Shum Jr dancing and shirtless. The way we keep winning this season, you guys! Bless.

Kudos to the parents who consented to this type of raw and uncut sex-ed course.

Bailey's nonchalance about whether or not they could get sued over it was hilarious. I love that she's back and doing things on her own terms.

She wants to focus on teaching and cutting, which is great for her. Meredith is thriving and a wild success as chief, so it's not like the hospital isn't in the best hands.

The Aftermath - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

The issue is we know Mer won't be in the position for too long. And the thing with Zola may be why that is.

We already knew that Zola was brilliant, but thanks to the tests she casually ended up taking, they know for sure that she's gifted.

Oh, don't look at me like that. You're getting paid to talk about sex today. Sex is fun! And I need you to look like it.


How long would she have gone without knowing this if not for her time with Nick and Kai? Nick is so good with Zola, and their scenes were some of the best of the hour. He's effortless at ease with her, and they have a great rapport.

Kai's return was welcomed because they added to the mix with Amelia and without. And I was genuinely excited to see them back for a character who could sometimes be a bit of a bore outside of their relationship with Amelia.

Gifted Teen  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

Zola nailed all of the cognitive tests, even ones most adults have issues with, and it gave them better insight into her bout of anxiety, panic attacks, and other issues.

Mer seemed protective and on edge about the others inadvertently testing her daughter, but it was something she couldn't stay mad about, and it was better to know so they could get ahead of things and help Zola.

The Zola and Maggie parallel was strong. The two of them have always had this special bond, and now we understand why. But you can sympathize with Maggie when she beats herself up for not seeing the signs. Because of her own experiences, she felt she should have been more of a help.

But because of her experiences, she also has these fears for Zola and can relate to how she may feel and why she's enduring her anxiety.

Reflections of Self-tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

Maggie knows that it's a hard path to walk at such a young age, especially when you're never around true peers. And she emphasized the importance of having the proper tools and getting the necessary help.

I love how Amelia reassured Maggie because they all know that everyone will be a support system for Zola and get her everything that she needs.

If it means that she'll have to attend a school for gifted children, maybe that will contribute to a potential move or change in something. Nevertheless, I love this storyline.

Mer also got to be a real mentor and support system for Simone.

Simone and Lucas -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

It was heartbreaking when Granny Griffith came to the hospital having an episode. You want to separate your personal life from the work environment, but Simone's worlds collide.

She couldn't have been around better people when it happened, though. Lucas seems genuinely attentive and sweet. And there still feels like some sparks there or, at the very least, the start of a special bond between the characters.

Now that they both are holding each other's secrets, it'll only make them closer.

And Meredith knows exactly what Simone is facing. She was the perfect person to talk to Simone and give her advice on handling the situation, including not telling her grandmother that Denise was dead.

Impressing Chief  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 3

Mer is right about it sometimes being best and more humane to allow the person with Alzehemeirs to stay in their world. Nothing good can come from constantly telling her that Denise is dead.

It's hurtful for Simone and a heavy weight for her to carry, but it's for the best. Simone has a lot to deal with, returning to this hospital where her mother died delivering her, and taking care of her grandmother while also in her intern year.

Living in her reality is the most humane option.


My heart aches for her, but she handles things so well. The Mer and Simone scenes were easily the best of the hour. It was like Mer was talking to her younger self, a bit of full-circle action happening, especially since Simone was our introductory character to the inters, like Mer.

It was just a total feels fest.

Food Poisoning -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 2

I could watch the two of them share the screen a million times over. Mer is such a great mentor here, and her maturity is also on display.

Once again, they knocked it out of the park.

Simone: I know you're a Shepherd. Something was weird between you and Dr. Montgomery, so I looked you up. She's your auntie Addie.
Lucas: Did you tell anyone?
Simone: Not yet. I'll keep your secret if you keep mine.

Over to you, Grey's Fanatics.

How long before Link and Jo start hooking up again? Are you into any new 'ships? What do you think about the Zola storyline? Sound off below!

You can watch Grey's Anatomy online here via TV Fanatic.

Let's Talk About Sex Review

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Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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