Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Part Sixteen

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Even after a disappointing turn of events on Your Honor Season 2 Episode 5, the momentum seems far from lost.

Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6 picks up so well it is almost impossible to believe they had previously resolved a major storyline.

Some skepticism was in order concerning how it would look going forward without it, but those fears were laid to rest.

L - Jimmy and Carmine - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6

Robin's death and Nancy's suspicions surrounding it saw Michael and Elizabeth team up to uncover the truth about what transpired on that fateful night.

We finally saw Carmine's true nature after an uneventful introduction where he stopped at nothing in trying to drag out the monster in Jimmy despite Jimmy's best efforts to try and play it calm.

Carmine - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6

Eugene got a perfect opportunity to exact his revenge for the murder of his entire family, but he chose the high road and let Carlo live.

At first, I was unhappy that the show resolved a very interesting and major storyline in the middle of the season only to introduce one we're not invested in.

But in all fairness, Michael could not have gone on hiding what he was up to without inviting a bullet into his skull. Coming clean to Charlie gave him the freedom to say no and free himself from Olivia's shackles.

He didn't seem to care any longer what Olivia did to him, even after she sent many threatening messages. That is where bending the law gets you -- without a clear course of action if something goes wrong.

Michael - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6

All Olivia can do now is threaten or find another way to corrupt the law to send Michael back to prison.

Many secrets came out about the nature of Michael and Robin's relationship, and it turned out that it wasn't such a happy marriage. Elizabeth had seen that before and tried to intervene but failed.

I just keep loving Elizabeth with each passing episode. Many mothers-in-law wouldn't welcome their son-in-law and give him the nice treatment Michael had received.

While an over-the-top reveal about Robin's death worked for an episodic cliffhanger, it was good they decided not to drag it out too long.

Elizabeth - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6

The real story was that of dirty cops and how corruption had ingrained itself in every corner of New Orleans.

Cops have so much power, so it's always interesting to watch a tale about corrupt cops. They are like villains with everything at their disposal. They have all the state or federal resources, so there is no corner they can't penetrate.

The climax of such a storyline is always when they are found out and face the consequences.

That was the only thing that salvaged our show. You can never go wrong with rogue cops.

Rudy - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6

I remember stating that the introduction of Carmine was less than satisfactory on Your Honor Season 2 Episode 4.

We got to see his full colors when he started making some moves. His first order of business was to squeeze Jimmy hard until he squealed. Like Gina, he views Jimmy as weak.

You need the Calabris' money. And through your docks, they will bring in drugs, they will bring in crime, they will bring in women and girls, human beings sold into servitude to other human beings. Through this city will pass all manner of evil because of you. You think you're better than me, you fucking son of a bitch?


But there is a common cautionary piece of advice that says, "beware of the calmest part of a body of water; it is the deepest."

Jimmy keeps everything bottled up until an opportunity presents itself, or he can't hide it any longer, and it all bursts out like the case with Frankie. He knew Frankie had been having sex with Gina, but he didn't react suddenly.

Fia - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6

He waited until the time was right, and that is what Jimmy dislikes about Carlo.

Carlo reacts to everything without a second thought. He is careless and impulsive. He left Rocco with a stranger to go chase after Eugene.

Without thinking about the repercussions, he put himself in danger by going to a neighborhood that was Desire's turf, where he would most certainly be outnumbered.

He let a cokehead drive.

Joey - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6

Fia met a young priest who helped him see things in a different light. She would have seen through his narrative if she was half the skeptic she thinks she was.

He basically told her that baptisms were not so much about God but the family. It was a celebration of the child and the people in his life. Isn't that what birthday parties are for? After what she heard from Carlo and her mother in hospital, I doubt she will have him baptized.

And where do we pass through the Kingdom of Heaven?


Maybe his physical attractiveness is what threw her off balance.

Anyway, give credit where it is due. At least the church tried to take a modern and softer approach to preach its doctrine. Isn't it amazing how young people can affect change anywhere and for the better?

The most dramatic scene in 'Part Sixteen' was Eugene leaving Carlo alive. He is a better man than me because I would have emptied the magazine on his dumb head. Having your entire immediate family wiped out is not something one gets over easily.

You killed Kofi. You beat my brother to death for no fucking reason. Then your daddy blew my mama's house up. Killed my whole family. What did we ever do to you, huh? And after all of this... you are trying to fucking kill me?!


Father Jay - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6

But maybe he is more intelligent than he looks. Perhaps he didn't want to start a gang war that would evolve into a race war. Maybe he didn't want to carry the guilt of taking another man's life even when he deserved it.

Maybe he decided that since there was no way to bring back his family, it was enough to leave well enough alone and move on. It was the only sure way of healing the demons that plagued him.

'Part sixteen' concluded with a lot of cliffhangers.

Fia realized her family was never changing when she heard how easy it was for them to talk about murdering someone.

What is wrong with this family? I'm so fucking done with all of you.


After cutting the drugs more, things went south when Chris' brother stole some and died. A dead child from an overdose is a huge problem for Big Mo and any drug dealer in New Orleans.

Eugene - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6

Jimmy made a deal with the Calibris, who are as bad as they come.

Michael informed Nancy of what he and Elizabeth had learned, and finally, Rudy shot Eugene.

With such an arsenal of storylines, the following episodes are bound to be wild.

'Part Sixteen' was an atypical episode that set up a great storyline in the middle of the season. The slow pace with which Elizabeth and Michael made discoveries about the night Robin died made it better.

It gave great performers like Margo Martindale and Mark Margolis a chance to showcase their skills.

Were you as impressed by the direction the story took as I was?

We always love hearing your thoughts, so don't hesitate to comment with your take on all this.

Part Sixteen Review

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Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 (6 Votes)

Denis Kimathi was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on X.

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Your Honor Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

You killed Kofi. You beat my brother to death for no fucking reason. Then your daddy blew my mama's house up. Killed my whole family. What did we ever do to you, huh? And after all of this... you are trying to fucking kill me?!


You need the Calabris' money. And through your docks, they will bring in drugs, they will bring in crime, they will bring in women and girls, human beings sold into servitude to other human beings. Through this city will pass all manner of evil because of you. You think you're better than me, you fucking son of a bitch?
