The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4 Review: La Dame de Fer

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If there were ever an opportunity to go to Paris during a zombie apocalypse, I'd probably take it. They seem to have it together far more than other places we've visited in this franchise.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4 delved deeper into the conflict between those who believe Laurent has a higher purpose and tyrants like Genet who want to wipe all hope away.

The funny thing is Genet was probably bursting at the seams with hope once, thinking there was an end in sight for the apocalypse.

Laurent Outruns Walkers - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

If nothing else, she's been an entertaining counterpoint to people like Isabelle and Sylvie, who want to scream "Laurent is our savior" from the rooftops.

Genet has been the thorn in everyone's side since The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 1 when she realized who squandered years of her research.

Noticing the Connection - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4

We still don't know how Daryl managed to pull off that trick, but there's a good chance he was being held on the boat against his will.

Maybe if she weren't up to no good, she wouldn't have people messing with her work -- just a thought.

With Genet and the Guerrier laser-focused on finding Daryl and now Laurent, it's hard to tell her end goal.

Does she want to execute them both to show that there shouldn't be hope in a hopeless world?

Isabelle Listens - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4

Genet gives me the chills because she's so freaking unpredictable.

Don't judge me, but I entertained the possibility she'd harm the baby at Fallou's settlement.

There's something off about her that made me think she would hurt the child and say something along the lines of, "Where's your savior now?"

Genet is resourceful, but an uprising doesn't give her the fuzzies because a public display of opposition could open the floodgates for others to follow suit.

Quinn Talks - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4

She's playing the long game and knows how to get results, which doesn't bode well for anyone else in this story.

The big surprise is that she didn't have the Demimonde searched, or at the very least, have people watching it.

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Had she done her due diligence, she would have been able to wait a short time to get Laurent and Daryl in one fell swoop.

Quinn is playing up that he wants things in return very well because had he not asked for something big, she would have probably slit his throat and caused carnage with him as a zombie.

Where is Laurent? - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4

Quinn's been a tricky person to read ever since The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 2 because, on the surface, he's a man who gets things done.

His followers get to hang around in his bar and have something crucial in any apocalypse: Safety.

Quinn: Do you know who I am?
Laurent: You used to be friends with my aunt, Isabelle. And with my mother. Quinn: That's right.
Laurent: You're my father.
Quinn: You're a smart lad. How did you figure that out? Did your auntie ever tell you about me? About your dear old dad?
Laurent: She said my father was brave. He went away to fight the hungry ones, that he was a hero for France.
Quinn: That is a bit of a stretch. But I did save you from the ones at the Tower, didn't I?
Laurent: I didn't see you there.
Quinn: Well, that was me. Now you're safe.
Laurent: Am I?
Quinn: I want to take care of you. Make up for lost time.
Laurent: What about Isabelle and Daryl?
Quinn: Isabelle will join us. We'll be together soon.

Safety is an excellent thing to have in this climate, so it's no surprise that he has people bending over backward to work for him.

Sadly, Anna could be his ultimate undoing. Before Isabelle's reappearance, things were moving along swimmingly for the couple.

What's His Next Move? - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4

Now that Isabelle's back on the scene, Quinn hasn't looked at his girlfriend in the same way. 

It's affecting Anna because she's struggling not to burst into tears every time Quinn rejects her.

It's difficult to watch because unrequited love is merde.

Allowing Laurent to leave with Daryl was telling because if she could get Laurent and Isabelle out of the picture, maybe Quinn would start to look at her like he used to.

Reunited - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4

It makes sense. Another thing to consider is where Anna would go if she lost Quinn.

Daryl: Where's Laurent?
Isabelle: I don't know. I've searched all night.
Daryl: I'm sure he's fine. He's a smart kid.
Isabelle: He's running, he's hiding. He doesn't know Paris. Where would he go?
Daryl: I have an idea. Come on.

There's a good chance he'd throw her away like an old toy and try to carve out some semblance of a family with Isabelle and Laurent.

Sadly, Isabelle will never be able to look at her ex-boyfriend the same after hearing about his affair with her sister.

That's a non-starter when it comes to a reunion, but you must have some courage to stay behind in a city where many people want you dead.

Watching the Happenings - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4

As The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 has taught us, Isabelle has a past.

She didn't make the best decisions before she found faith, but leaving Laurent in Daryl's care highlighted the importance of getting her nephew to The Nest.

During her goodbye to the pair, you could tell that she was unsure whether she would survive to see them again.

That's a harrowing thought, but the sad reality is that Quinn is more than a little unhinged.

Daryl Wades Through France - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4

It's like logic goes out the window when she's in his life, which probably means she'll be unable to be away from his side for as long as she's in Demimonde.

Isabelle is aware of Quinn's influence and is armed with the knowledge that his son could serve a greater purpose; maybe Isabelle can make him allow Daryl and Laurent safe passage out of Paris to get them closer to their destination.

Isabelle: That's your ride. I guess you got to get going. The Guerrier are overtaking the city. I need someone with influence. Someone who can make sure that they let him pass.
Daryl: What are you talking about?
Isabelle: He knows how to make things happen. He -- He'll do it for me. He'll do it for me if I stay.
Daryl: Fine, I'll go with you.
Isabelle: This isn't about you. It -- I'll take care of Quinn.
Isabelle: Not about me. It's about Laurent.
Daryl: Well, then get on the fսcking boat!
Isabelle: Then none of us will make it out. Listen, I know this isn't your fight. I know you should be on your way home by now. But there's no one else who can take him to the nest safely. Please.
Daryl: You can't stay here with him.
Isabelle: I'll figure a way out. Once I know he's safe, I-I will.
Daryl: Well, I guess this is it, then.
Isabelle: I hope not. But if it is, I hope you make it home.

The mission's trajectory has changed considerably, but Quinn's reign of terror seems far from over.

Daryl is the best person to complete this mission because he now dreams about Laurent's survival.

Hearing Her Past - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 3

The creatives could have done something different by having the walkers walk by Laurent. It was a refreshing spin on the rules of zombies.

It's just a shame it was a dream, but hopefully, it's given Daryl a sense of hope that the kid's arrival in this world could lead to humanity's revival.

Daryl was cutthroat in his quest to save Laurent, and that dream likely drove it.

Even if he's annoyed about losing sight of his own mission to return to Carol and the Commonwealth, Daryl can't give up.

Welcome to Paris 2.0 - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 3

With different sides fighting, Laurent could be killed, and many wouldn't think twice about it, but for Daryl, it's personal.

Armand was a pain in the ass. He thought he could shake the dynamic between Daryl and Isabelle by throwing out buzzwords about her being a "bad girl."

It's ridiculous that he thought that would change Daryl's perception of someone who saved many lives.

Daryl: Damn, you're an idiot.
Armand: fսck your mother! They're gonna get us. You got to help me.
Daryl: Which way do we go?
Armand: That way. It goes two ways. We go to the left. At the end, there is une trappe.
Daryl: A door?
Armand: Yes, a door. A door. Let's go. Let's go help.
Daryl: [to the walkers] Bon appétit.
Armand: No! No! No! No!

It was chilling how Daryl allowed him to be eaten, throwing a "bon appetit" his way, but it was a reminder of just who Daryl Dixon really is.

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With two episodes left, we expect more peril on the horizon because Laurent might not even make it to the Neat this season.

I can't wait to see what comes next.

What are your thoughts on Quinn hiding Laurent? Are you surprised Isabelle returned to him?

Meet Fallou - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 3

What's your take on Genet so far? Do you think she's wicked?

Hit the comments.

Catch new episodes of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon on Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC and AMC+.

La Dame de Fer Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Daryl: Damn, you're an idiot.
Armand: fսck your mother! They're gonna get us. You got to help me.
Daryl: Which way do we go?
Armand: That way. It goes two ways. We go to the left. At the end, there is une trappe.
Daryl: A door?
Armand: Yes, a door. A door. Let's go. Let's go help.
Daryl: [to the walkers] Bon appétit.
Armand: No! No! No! No!

Isabelle: That's your ride. I guess you got to get going. The Guerrier are overtaking the city. I need someone with influence. Someone who can make sure that they let him pass.
Daryl: What are you talking about?
Isabelle: He knows how to make things happen. He -- He'll do it for me. He'll do it for me if I stay.
Daryl: Fine, I'll go with you.
Isabelle: This isn't about you. It -- I'll take care of Quinn.
Isabelle: Not about me. It's about Laurent.
Daryl: Well, then get on the fսcking boat!
Isabelle: Then none of us will make it out. Listen, I know this isn't your fight. I know you should be on your way home by now. But there's no one else who can take him to the nest safely. Please.
Daryl: You can't stay here with him.
Isabelle: I'll figure a way out. Once I know he's safe, I-I will.
Daryl: Well, I guess this is it, then.
Isabelle: I hope not. But if it is, I hope you make it home.