Greenlee Smyth Lavery is the granddaughter of Millicent and Woodruff Greenlee, two members of Pine Valley's high society.

She grew up with all the things she ever wanted, except for the one thing she craved: The love of her mother and father. Mary and Roger Smythe were often abroad, leaving Greenlee to believe her parents loved money more than her. This feeling of abandonment made Greenlee distrustful of those close to her...

Husband: Ryan Lavery
Mother: Mary Smythe
Stepmother: Erica Kane
Fathers: Roger Smythe (adoptive), Jackson Montgomery (biological)
Siblings: Lily Montgomery (adoptive), Reggie Montgomery (adoptive)
Stepsiblings: Bianca Montgomery, Kendall Hart
Grandmother: Millicent Greenlee
Grandfather: Woodruff Greenlee
Stepniece: Miranda Montgomery
Uncle: Travis Montgomery (deceased)
Aunt: Christine "Kit" Montgomery
Cousins: Bianca Montgomery, Matthew Montgomery, Molly Montgomery
Brothers-in-law: Jonathan Lavery, Zach Slater
Sister-in-law: Erin Lavery
Significant romantic relationships: Scott Chandler, Leo du Pres (1st husband/deceased), Jake Martin, Carlos Reyes, Juan Pablo Ruiz de Vasquez, Ryan Lavery (2nd husband

Greenlee Smyth Lavery Quotes

Ryan Lavery: I love you.
Greenlee Smythe Lavery: I love you, too.
Ryan Lavery: And I would be lost without you.
Greenlee Smythe Lavery: Well, then you'll never be lost.

Greenlee Smythe Lavery: Just - I tried to remember when we weren't stressed to the max. Our honeymoon may have been the best time ever. I was just hoping that maybe tonight we could feel like that for just a few hours, let you remember how much I love you, how happy I am that I'm your wife, just like that night.
Ryan Lavery: Come here.
Greenlee Smythe Lavery: What? What are you...
Ryan Lavery: I remember everything. I remember it was going to be the first time that we made love as husband and wife. And I remember thinking to myself that my bullet wound was easy compared to waiting to make love to you. I wanted you so bad. I want you now. I want you right now.

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All My Children Quotes

Greenlee Smythe Lavery: Just - I tried to remember when we weren't stressed to the max. Our honeymoon may have been the best time ever. I was just hoping that maybe tonight we could feel like that for just a few hours, let you remember how much I love you, how happy I am that I'm your wife, just like that night.
Ryan Lavery: Come here.
Greenlee Smythe Lavery: What? What are you...
Ryan Lavery: I remember everything. I remember it was going to be the first time that we made love as husband and wife. And I remember thinking to myself that my bullet wound was easy compared to waiting to make love to you. I wanted you so bad. I want you now. I want you right now.

Ryan: Do you feel that?
Gillian: Your heartbeat.
Ryan: OUR heartbeat.