"He was going to leave her, until Annie says, 'I'm pregnant.' And then Ryan's like, 'Shizer!' (He doesn't say shizer.)" — Cameron Mathison (Ryan) on his character's reaction to Annie’s pregnancy

"I'm thinking of outfits. I do it by outfits. All the days blend together and we shoot out of order." — Melissa Claire Egan on remembering the order of her scenes

"I guess Richie was nice enough to go ahead and take the ties off by the time they got there." — Amanda Baker (Babe) on Babe's kidnapping

[Kendall has given Zach a plane ticket to Haiti, where they can get divorced quickly]
Zach: You know what? This date's not going to work for me.
Kendall: Make it work.
Zach: Love to, but I can't.
Kendall: Well, what? Is there something going on at the casino? I mean, I can handle it.
Zach: No, I took the afternoon off.
Kendall: What's so important that you can't reschedule it?
Zach: I'm rearranging my sock drawer.
Kendall: Yeah.
Zach: No, it's serious business. I mean, I've got the gym socks touching the dress socks. It's a real mess. Anyway, we've got to reschedule this divorce thing.

Opal, you need flash cards to understand the alphabet.

Palmer Cortlandt

Vanessa Bennett Cortlandt: Palmer, come on. It's a perfectly understandable concern. I mean, nobody knows what the future will hold. A meteor could drop on the Valley Inn tonight and kill us all.
Palmer Cortlandt: Well, that's a cheery thought.
Vanessa Bennett Cortlandt: Oh. And what would happen to Leo then?
Palmer Cortlandt: Well, he'd be dead. I mean, a meteor, you know.

Braden Lavery: Let me get this straight. You want me to seduce your niece.
Palmer Cortlandt: Well, that's putting it a little indelicately. I'd much prefer "court" or "romance", but whatever.

The next sound you hear will be my head exploding.

Tad Martin

Erica Kane: Getting back at Ryan isn't the answer.
Kendall Hart Cambias: No? Ok. All right, fine. Honestly, tell me this... if your father were still alive, standing here right now, what would you do?
Erica Kane: I'd kill him! But you can't equate Ryan with my father.
Kendall Hart Cambias: Ok, well, yes, I agree the crimes were completely different, but the result was pain. Someone hurts you, you make them suffer.
Erica Kane: Well, you wanted me to suffer once. You remember how that turned out.
Kendall Hart Cambias: Yes, but I was a kid. Now I know what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing and I love it. There is nothing more satisfying than paying back hurt for hurt. It's ok, mother, you don't have to worry about me.
Erica Kane: No, I'm scared for you, Kendall. I'm scared for all of us. I'm scared for you and Bianca and myself.

Erica Kane: You slept with Ryan's brother before you stole the company out from under him?
Kendall Hart Cambias: No, no, I didn't steal it, I didn't steal it. Adam and J.R. did. Ok, but here's the kicker - Ryan tried to convince me earlier today that he's completely over me for good, which, of course, that can't be. I mean, it's impossible, and we are going to prove that. And you know what's so great about you and I doing this together is that you hate Greenlee just as much as I do, so it's perfect! Plus, mother, you are the queen of creativity. You're so creative. I mean, the truth is i'm running out of ideas, but the two of us putting our heads together could be so amazing!
Erica Kane: Kendall, you have to stop. You're talking like a crazy person.

[to Myrtle about Erica] Somebody give me a stick so I can beat the stupid out of her.


Erica Kane: [indicating Adam] Oh, this isn't my friend; this is my ex-husband.
Adam Chandler: One of many. I'm third from the end - at least, I think so; I haven't seen Erica for a couple of days.

All My Children Quotes

Greenlee Smythe Lavery: Just - I tried to remember when we weren't stressed to the max. Our honeymoon may have been the best time ever. I was just hoping that maybe tonight we could feel like that for just a few hours, let you remember how much I love you, how happy I am that I'm your wife, just like that night.
Ryan Lavery: Come here.
Greenlee Smythe Lavery: What? What are you...
Ryan Lavery: I remember everything. I remember it was going to be the first time that we made love as husband and wife. And I remember thinking to myself that my bullet wound was easy compared to waiting to make love to you. I wanted you so bad. I want you now. I want you right now.

Ryan: Do you feel that?
Gillian: Your heartbeat.
Ryan: OUR heartbeat.