I'm So Pretty - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Alison is preparing to gaze into the mirror. Will she like what she sees?
Rating: Unrated

Ali and her Minions - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 13

Who are the new girls with Ali? Will they join the show on a more permanent basis?
Rating: Unrated

Alison Behind Bars - Pretty Little Liars

We're in jail here with Alison. This is a photo from the Pretty Little Liars episode "Bloody Hell."
Rating: Unrated

Alison in Court - Pretty Little Liars

What will the future bring for Alison? She's pictured here in court on the Pretty Little Liars episode "I'm a Good Girl, I Am."
Rating: Unrated

Not Promising - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 24

It looks like Ali also believes she is going down.
Rating: Unrated

More Questions - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 24

Just who could the prosecutor be trying now, one of the liars?
Rating: Unrated

I'm Free Bitches - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

Alison must have been cleared of Mona's death. We know she loves attention, but this might be a little bit too much, even for her. Will she start spilling some more secrets and make them public knowledge, or will she write a tell all?
Rating: Unrated

Fatherly Advice - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

Ali's father stands by her side as she reads some sort of statement that must be in relation to her sudden freedom. Well, it's sudden to us, anyway. We can't wait to hear what she's saying!
Rating: Unrated

Parting of the Crowd - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

The crowd parts just enough for Ezra and Caleb to get a good look at Alison as she works the throng of reporters standing before her. But is she working them or are they working her?
Rating: Unrated

Lost in the Crowd - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

From this angle, it really starts to look crazy and you have to wonder if any teenage girl could wish for this kind of attention. Not all publicity is good publicity when you just want to be alone and your oldest friends are missing.
Rating: Unrated

That's Enough - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

Ali's dad finally tries to take her into the house and Alison really looks like she's had enough of the media attention. Is this the time she'll finally grow up? Has Alison DiLaurentis finally been scared straight?
Rating: Unrated

With A Little Help From ChArles? - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 4

Is this Charles, or Jason? We have no clue, but could the liars be digging a grave of some sort? So many questions, but we'll have to tune in to this episode live to get all the details!
Rating: Unrated

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
