Marc, Betty and Amanda Plot

Marc and Amanda decide to put aside their differences with Betty to join forces with her to take down Kimmie Keegan at the Adrianna Lima photo shoot. Why? Because Kimmie found new friends at Mode. You do not cross these two!

Amanda Joins with Betty

Amanda is is going to join forces with Betty to help take down their shared enemy, Betty. Oh how we love episodes when Amanda and Marc are nice to Betty!

Amanda, Marc and Wilhelmina are Shocked

Amanda, Marc and Wilhelmina sure looked shocked to find out Alexis has taken over the company, Daniel has been fired, and Wilhelmina has been named Editor in Chief. Very convincing guys.

Amanda is Pretty

We can't really remember what Amanda was doing in this scene but we thought this was a really cute picture of Amanda (Beck Newton). Can you blame us for posting?

Betty at Her New Desk

Now that Betty is back at Mode, Daniel has two assistants: Amanda and Betty. Amanda was kind enough to keep Betty's desk and provide her with this one. Here she goes for a spin!

Wilhelmina, Marc and Amanda Watch Daniel

Wilhelmina, Marc and Amanda watch the return of their boss after his several week hiatus in Rio. They seem less than enthusiastic about his return.

Amanda and Marc are Very Happy

Amanda and Marc clap extra loud when they hear that Betty has a new job. They seem very very happy.

Christina and Amanda

Christina and Amanda sitting next to each other. Now that's a picture you don't see every day! But with such short staff, anyone who's in is on the baby Chutney team!

Amanda Embarasses Daniel

In an effort for revenge, Amanda calls all of Daniel's previous lovers and tells them he has scabies. Jealous much?

Marc, Amanda and Betty are Nervous

Marc, Amanda and Betty stand by nervously as they're being interviewed by Wilhelmina to see if they're the leaks or if they get to keep their jobs. Everyone, stay quiet!

Amanda is a Piggy

The beautiful Amanda apparently pigs out whenever she's nervous. In Fey's Sleigh Ride she's nervous that she might be caught as the leak and lose her job.

Marc and Amanda Ride with Justin

Marc and Amanda seem less than thrilled to share an elevator with Betty and her nephew, Justin. Though Marc does like Justin pointing out Amanda's two year old shoes.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.