Mason, Kara and Ems

Mason, Kara and Ems on Revenge. To be a fly on that wall!
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Emily Throne: Pretty!

Emily Throne is very, very pretty. Among other positive attributes.
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Amanda Winces

Amanda looks to be in some severe pain in this photo from Revenge. Hope she's okay!
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You Two Know Each Other?

Kara, Amanda and Emily in a scene from Revenge Season 2 Episode 5.
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Emily Holding the Baby

Emily holding the baby on Revenge. Amanda survived, and so did her son ... thank goodness!
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Emily, Kara, Mason

Emily, Kara and Mason on Revenge. "Forgiveness" airs October 28, 2012.
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Emily and Kara Clarke

Emily and Kara Clarke come face to face on Revenge. How long before the latter puts it together?
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Beautiful Emily Thorne Photo

Emily Throne is as beautiful as they come... beautiful and always scheming. Here's a great shot of her from Revenge Season 2.
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Emily and Kara Photo

Emily and Kara on ABC's Revenge. Episode 5 of Season 2 brings them together for the first time.
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Emily Strapped!

Emily Thorne pulls on a gun on Revenge. Given what we know of her ... we can't be TOO surprised.
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Emily Packing Heat

Emily Thorne in the eighth episode of Revenge Season 2. Do not mess with this girl!
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Emily Thorne Picture

Emily Thorne at the Hamptons to seek Revenge.
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Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
