Dark Times

It's a dark time for the Pretty Little Liars. We mean that literally in this scene from "Birds of a Feather."
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Angry Hanna

Hanna looks anything but happy in this photo. It's from the episode "Remains of the A.:
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Pretty Little Liars Be Shoppin

Hanna and Spencer do a bit of shopping in this Pretty Little Liars scene. It's from the episode "Single Fright Female."
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Aria, Spencer, Hanna

The gals arrive at a crime scene in this look at the Pretty Little Liars midseason finale. The episode is titled "The Lady Killer."
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Careful Pretty Little Liars

What are the Pretty Little Liars walking into? This is a scene from the midseason finale of Season 3.
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A Funny Crime Scene

This is unusual. How often do you see folks laughing at a crime scene?
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Pretty Little Liars Summer Finale Scene

GASP! Hanna and the gals react to a crime scene on the summer finale of Pretty Little Liars.
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Hanna as Marilyn Monroe

Hanna is dressed like Marilyn Monroe for Halloween. She is partying it up here on a train.
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Caleb, Unmasked!

Hey, it's Caleb! Hanna is happy to learn the identity of the masked man in this PLL still.
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Hanna for Halloween

Hanna makes a very pretty Marilyn Monroe, don't you think? She rocks this outfit for Halloween, of course.
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Hanna Death Stare

Hanna gives the looks of death in this great Pretty Little Liars scene. It's taken from the episode "She's Better Now."
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Hanna and Mom

Hanna learned a valuable lesson from her mom on the series premiere: don't steal, but do sleep with cops to get your daughter off when necessary.
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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
