Spencer's Arguing her Point

The Liars clearly think Spencer's lost her mind AGAIN in this photo from "Unbridled."

Ready for the Catwalk

The Liars are ready for the turn as brides on the catwalk in this photo from "Unbridled."

Pretty Little Brides

The Liars aren't sharing a wedding day, but helping Mrs. D. with her charity event so they can try intel on her in "Unbridled."

Lending a Helping Hand

Ashley assists Hanna with the final touches on her charity gown in this photo from "Unbridled."

Ashley Imagines Hanna Walking Down the Aisle

It's Ashley's turn to light up at the thought of her daughter's future wedding. Do you think she's imagining Caleb or Travis in this photo from "Unbridled"?

Caring for Aria

Emily, Hanna and Spencer show concern for their friend as she struggles to piece together the evidence Ezra tying him to Ali and A.

Digging In or Digging Out?

Are the girls going to dig into the evidence with Aria or help get her out of the room and back to sanity?

Reinforcements Arrive

Reinforcements arrive to help Aria go through all of the evidence stacked up against Ezra. Can her friends help?

Focus on Hanna

Now the focus is on Hanna. Nobody seems to be enjoying this car ride in "Shadow Play."

1940s Hanna Marin

Hanna in capped sleeves and a skirt in Pretty Little Liars "Shadow Play."

Hanna and Emily Look Stunned

What is Spencer telling Emily and Hanna that has so captured their attention? It must be something about Ezra!

Beauty in The Mirror

Carrying on with the business of makeup application in "Shadow Play."

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
