Wasted Hiro

It's easy to forget, but Hiro was once an entertaining, focused, driven character. In recent seasons, though, he's been nothing but comic fodder.
Rating: Unrated

Hospitalized Hiro

Hiro is dealing with his illness as well as possible. This photo is taken from the episode "Tabula Rasa."
Rating: Unrated

Poker Face

Hiro and Ando cheat at cards and narrowly escape
Rating: Unrated

An Awful Hiro

Remember when Hiro was an entertaining, heroic character? Seems like an awfully long time ago.
Rating: Unrated


Hiro and Ando could do with a little less Hope
Rating: Unrated


Hiro can finally use his powers!
Rating: Unrated

Hiro in Hiding

Hiro and Ando would prefer is Sylar didn't find them
Rating: Unrated


Hiro and Ando are kidnapped!
Rating: Unrated

GPS, Injected

Hiro injects his buddy with a GPS tracking device. Ando was none too pleased about it at the time.
Rating: Unrated

The Sword

Hiro's powers should work now!
Rating: Unrated

Ando Won!

Ando and Hiro have a good night in Las Vegas. At least it begins that way.
Rating: Unrated

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys