Lexie Grey Photo

Lexie Grey looks great in this photo.

Get an O.R.

There is no O.R. open and the doctors weren't prepared for a series of events that took Nick's life in the end. Cristina tells Lexie this just happens sometimes but they do more good than harm overall.

Red Scrubs?

Lexie Grey might be onto something with this new look. But seriously folks - that's a lot of blood Nick lost. The doctors tried in vain to save him but it was a lost cause at the end.

No Time to Waste

Nick is bleeding profusely and Lexie is doing whatever she can in order to stop it. But will it be enough for this patient?

Code Blue!

Lexie Grey phones for help is Nick's artery bursts and there's very little time before the situation becomes dire. In the end it does not go too well for Nick.

Expectant Lexie

Will Lexie Grey's expectations of Alex Karev be met? Or will she be let down by the unforeseen arrival of Ava? What will transpire on Grey's Anatomy this Thanksgiving?

Hot Alex and Lexie

Lexie Grey and Alex Karev share smiles and kisses... but it's not going to be smooth sailing for them as his flame / patient Ava (Elizabeth Reaser) is also back at Seattle Grace.

Alexie Love!

Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) lays one on Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) and the younger Dr. Grey is surely loving it... but with Ava (Elizabeth Reaser) also coming back in this episode, what will transpire with the arrogant one's love life?

Alex Love Interests

Ooh, it's Alex's two lovely ladies - Lexie Grey and Ava/Jane Doe/Rebecca Pope - together at last. One wonders who Dr. Karev is more interested in these days ...

Ava and Lexie

Lexie and Ava / Rebecca / Jane Doe talk at Seattle Grace. We are guessing that Alex Karev is a big part of the discussion at this time.... Hmm....

Lexie and ... Ava?

Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) talks to none other than Ava / Rebecca Pope (Elizabeth Reaser) at the hospital. It will be interesting to see what is said between these two Alex love interests ...

I'm Here For ...

... the sex. That's what Alex tells Lexie Grey. But in the end he ends up on Team Meredith. Of course, she backs off her bitchiness a little bit as well.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
